2017-08-01 35 views

我使用蘋果的MDM並找到一個奇怪的問題。 這個iphone設備本來可以被mdm控制,它工作正常,但突然失去控制權,看到xcode設備日誌出現,「拒絕MDM推送字典,因爲它沒有正確的魔術字符串。」 這是如何解決這個問題的?拒絕MDM推送詞典,因爲它沒有正確的魔法字符串

Aug 1 08:03:04 iPhone6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[93] <Notice>: 2017-08-01 08:03:04 +0800 apsd[93]: <APSCourier: 0x155d12f70>: Received message for enabled topic 'com.apple.mgmt.External.69e3a6a4-4f53' with payload '{ 
aps = { 
mdm = "5E73DE3E-ADE2-4955-B58C"; 
}' onInterface: WWAN for device token: YES with priority (null) 
Aug 1 08:03:04 iPhone6 mdmd(libdispatch.dylib)[4508] <Notice>: Push token received. 
Aug 1 08:03:04 iPhone6 mdmd(ApplePushService)[4508] <Notice>: Received push notification. 
Aug 1 08:03:04 iPhone6 mdmd(ApplePushService)[4508] <Notice>: Rejecting MDM push dictionary because it does not have the right magic string.

