對於Simple Math Example可能TS步驟定義文件可能是這樣的:
import * as cucumber from "cucumber";
module.exports = function() {
// Assign this to a typed variable so we have type-safe access
let sd: cucumber.StepDefinitions = this;
// The common variable is simply kept in function scope here
let variable: number = 0;
sd.Given(/^a variable set to (\d+)$/, (value: string) => {
variable = parseInt(value);
sd.When(/^I increment the variable by (\d+)$/, (value: string) => {
variable += parseInt(value);
sd.Then(/^the variable should contain (\d+)$/, (value: string) => {
if (variable != parseInt(value))
throw new Error('Variable should contain '+value
+ ' but it contains ' + variable + '.');
放入例如該內容features/step_definitions/mathSteps.ts並將the example中的特徵代碼粘貼到一個名爲例如features/math.feature,你應該有一個運行的例子。
我選擇這個答案只是'Webstorm似乎沒有提供文件類型「TypeScript」節的嚮導。這幾乎是我想知道的。謝謝! –
我無法通過cucumber.stepDefinitions訪問任何內容。錯誤:'typedefinitions'不存在'typeof path/to/my/cucumber/@ types/index.ts' – user2954463