這可能與eclipse的問題有關,但它可能是我的代碼在某處的問題。無論如何,我有一個MyLinkedList類,我使用它的迭代器。當我編寫迭代器時,它不讓我通過MyLinkedList.list.add(x,index)使用add方法。它告訴我:「MyLinkedList類型中的方法add(T,int)不適用於參數(T,int)」。建議的修復程序根本不會改變任何代碼(例如想要將方法的參數類型從(T,int)更改爲(T,int)。remove方法調用相同類型的參數並且正常工作。我將代碼發佈到無論是在MyLinkedList Add方法,迭代器中添加方法Java:在迭代器中使用MyLinkedList添加方法
public void add(T x, int index)
if((index < 0) || (index > size))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if(size == 0)
this.head = this.tail = new Node(x, null, null);
else if(index == 0)
this.head = new Node(x, this.head, null);
this.head = this.head.getNext().getPrev();
else if(index == size)
this.tail = new Node(x, null, this.tail);
Node<T> temp = new Node(null, null, null);
if(index < this.size()/2)
temp = this.head;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
temp = temp.getNext();
temp = this.tail;
for(int i = this.size(); i > index; i--)
temp = temp.getPrev();
public void add(T x)
if(modCount != expModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
MyLinkedList.this.add(x, index); //the problem is in this line
public class MyLinkedList<T> extends AbstractList<T>
private static class Node<T>
private T data;
private Node<T> prev;
private Node<T> next;
* Constructor
* @param nodeData - the data in type T that is stored in the node
* @param nodePrev - the node previous to the node initialized
* @param nodeNext - the node following the initialized node
public Node(T nodeData, Node<T> nodePrev, Node<T> nodeNext)
this.data = nodeData;
this.prev = nodePrev;
this.next = nodeNext;
* gets the node previous to this one
* @return returns the node previous to this
public Node<T> getPrev()
return this.prev;
* sets the node previous to this
* @param temp the node used to set the previous node to
public void setPrev(Node<T> temp)
this.prev = temp.prev;
* gets the node after this node
* @return the node following this node
public Node<T> getNext()
return this.next;
* sets the node after this node in the list
* @param prev - the node
public void setNext(Node<T> prev)
this.next = prev.next;
* get the data from this node
* @return the data from this node
public T getData()
return this.data;
* set the data in this node
* @param data - the data to be put in this node
public void setData(T data)
this.data = data;
private int size;
private int modCount;
public Node<T> head;
public Node<T> tail;
* Constructor for MyLinkedList that sets the head and tail of the list to point to null and the size set to 0
this.head = new Node<T>(null, null, null);
this.tail = new Node<T>(null, null, null);
this.size = 0;
* gets the data from the node specified by the index
* @param index - the index of the node
* @return the data of the node with index index
public T get(int index)
Node<T> temp = new Node(null, null, null);
if((index < 0) || (index > size))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if(index < this.size()/2)
temp = this.head;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
temp = temp.getNext();
return temp.getData();
temp = this.tail;
for(int i = this.size(); i > index; i--)
temp = temp.getPrev();
return temp.getData();
* adds data to the list at the specified index
* @param x - the data to be stored
* @param index - where in the list the data is stored
public void add(T x, int index)
if((index < 0) || (index > size))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if(size == 0)
this.head = this.tail = new Node(x, null, null);
else if(index == 0)
this.head = new Node(x, this.head, null);
this.head = this.head.getNext().getPrev();
else if(index == size)
this.tail = new Node(x, null, this.tail);
Node<T> temp = new Node(null, null, null);
if(index < this.size()/2)
temp = this.head;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
temp = temp.getNext();
temp = this.tail;
for(int i = this.size(); i > index; i--)
temp = temp.getPrev();
* gets the size of the list
* @return the size of the list
public int size()
return this.size;
* @return returns whether or not the list is empty
public boolean isEmpty()
return (this.size() == 0);
* clears the list by setting the head and tail of the list equal to null and the size equal to 0
public void clear()
this.head = new Node<T>(null,null,null);
this.tail = new Node<T>(null,null,null);
this.tail = this.head.getNext();
this.size = 0;
* removes a node from the list
* @return the data from the removed node
public T remove(int index)
Node<T> temp;
if ((index < 0) || (index >= size) || isEmpty())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if(index == 0)
temp = new Node(this.head.getData(), null, this.head.getNext());
this.head = this.head.getNext();
Node<T> prev = new Node(null,null,null);
prev = getNth(index - 1);
temp = new Node(prev.getNext().getData(), null, null);
return temp.getData();
* gets the node at the index index
* @param index - the index of the node we want to return
* @return the node at the specified index
private Node<T> getNth(int index)
Node<T> temp;
if(index < 0 || index > size)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if(index < this.size()/2)
temp = this.head;
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
temp = temp.getNext();
temp = this.tail;
for(int i = this.size(); i > index; i--)
temp = temp.getPrev();
return temp;
private class Iterator<T> implements ListIterator<T>
private Node<T> currentNode;
private int expModCount = modCount;
int index = 0;
* adds the data to the list using the add method from MyLinkedList
public void add(T x)
if(modCount != expModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
MyLinkedList.this.add(x, index);
* @return returns true if the current node is not the tail, returns false if the current node is the tail of the list
public boolean hasNext()
if (currentNode.equals(MyLinkedList.this.tail))
return false;
return true;
* @return returns true if the current node is not the head of the list, returns false if the current node is the head of the list
public boolean hasPrevious()
if (currentNode.equals(MyLinkedList.this.head))
return false;
return true;
* @return the data from the next node
public T next()
if(modCount != expModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
if(hasNext() == false)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
T nextData = currentNode.getData();
return nextData;
* @return the index of the next node
public int nextIndex()
return index + 1;
* @return the data from the previous node
public T previous()
if(modCount != expModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
if(hasPrevious() == false)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
T prevData = currentNode.getPrev().getData();
return prevData;
* @return the index of the previous node
public int previousIndex()
return index - 1;
* removes a node using the MyLinkedList remove method
public void remove()
if(modCount != expModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
* sets the data of the current node
* @param x - the data to set to the current node.
public void set(T x)
如果可能的話,您可以發佈完整的迭代器代碼,甚至MyLinkedList代碼嗎? – sakthisundar
更新包含所有內容 – user1547050
那不可能是整個代碼,可以嗎?你如何創建迭代器對象?它不能超出'MyList',因爲你聲明'Iterator'是私有的。 –