2016-11-11 79 views



我需要一個腳本,它將採用A1中的字符串並搜索文件夾「model」及其子文件夾中的所有文件,並且如果字符串存在於任何文件中,我必須打印/放置「string found 「在單元格B1中,如果該字符串不存在於任何必須在單元格B1中打印/放置」未找到「的文件中。以同樣的方式,我需要搜索文件夾「model」中所有文件中A2:A1500的所有字符串,並在單元格B2:B1500中打印/放置「找到字符串」/未找到。






我對vba bu有點熟悉我不知道如何實現這一點。



在此頁面右側的「相關」標題下,您將找到搜索文件夾/子文件夾中文件的示例。如果遇到問題,請嘗試使用其中一個代碼並回傳代碼。 –


搜索文件夾和子文件夾需要遞歸,需要一點時間來包裝頭部。要搜索字符串的文件內容意味着將文本加載到內存中,所以我將它設置爲僅打開一次文件,並同時查找所有字符串以加快性能。 –


我搜索了幾個可能性,在這裏,我發現某些例子搜索文件夾/子文件夾內的文件名字符串,但我還沒有發現任何使用VBA搜索文件夾/子文件夾中的所有文件內的字符串的任何內容。這就是爲什麼我問了一個問題,否則我會跟着並修改一些帖子@Tim Williams – S6633d





  1. 創建所有可能連同2個平行陣列保持發現/沒有發現字符串,並且其中該字符串被匹配

  2. 第一文件傳遞的3個陣列相匹配的字符串的數組通過參考處理給定文件夾的所有子文件夾和文件的子例程。任何子文件夾遞歸回文件夾子例程,而文件由單獨的文件例程處理。

  3. 處理好所有子文件夾和文件後,找到的/未找到的列將從關聯的數組中填充。


步驟1 - 的主要方法

' The main sub routine. 
Public Sub FindStrings(strFolder As String, Optional wksSheet As Worksheet = Nothing) 
' Used examples given, better to convert to variables and calculate at run time. 
Const lngFirstRow As Long = 1 
Const lngLasstRow As Long = 1500 
Const strStringsCol As String = "A" 
Const strMatchesFoundCol As String = "B" 
Const strFileNamesCol As String = "C" 

Dim lngIndex As Long, lngFolderCount As Long, lngFileCount As Long 
Dim strIndent As String 
Dim varStrings As Variant, varMatchesFound As Variant, varFileNames As Variant 

    If wksSheet Is Nothing Then 
     Set wksSheet = ActiveSheet 
    End If 

    With wksSheet 
     ' Create the strings array from the given range value. 
     varStrings = .Range(.Cells(lngFirstRow, strStringsCol), .Cells(lngLasstRow, strStringsCol)).Value 
     ' Transpose the strings array into a one dimentional array. 
     varStrings = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(varStrings) 
    End With 

    ' Initialize file names array to empty strings. 
    ReDim varFileNames(LBound(varStrings) To UBound(varStrings)) 
    For lngIndex = LBound(varFileNames) To UBound(varFileNames) 
     varFileNames(lngIndex) = vbNullString 

    ' Initialize matches found array to empty strings. 
    ReDim varMatchesFound(LBound(varStrings) To UBound(varStrings)) 
    For lngIndex = LBound(varMatchesFound) To UBound(varMatchesFound) 
     varMatchesFound(lngIndex) = vbNullString 

    ' Process the main folder. 
    Call ProcessFolder(strFolder, strIndent, varStrings, varMatchesFound, varFileNames, lngFolderCount, lngFileCount) 

    ' Finish setting up matches found array. 
    For lngIndex = LBound(varMatchesFound) To UBound(varMatchesFound) 
     If Len(Trim$(varMatchesFound(lngIndex))) = 0 Then 
      varMatchesFound(lngIndex) = "Not found" 
     End If 

    ' Transpose the associated arrays so we can use them to load found/not found and file names columns. 
    varFileNames = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(varFileNames) 
    varMatchesFound = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(varMatchesFound) 

    ' Set up the found/not found column data from the matches found array. 
    With wksSheet 
     .Range(.Cells(lngFirstRow, strFileNamesCol), .Cells(lngLasstRow, strFileNamesCol)).Value = varFileNames 
     .Range(.Cells(lngFirstRow, strMatchesFoundCol), .Cells(lngLasstRow, strMatchesFoundCol)).Value = varMatchesFound 
    End With 

    Debug.Print "Folders: "; lngFolderCount, "Files: "; lngFileCount 
End Sub 

步驟2 - 的方法,子文件夾中的方法

Private Sub ProcessFolder(strFolder As String, ByRef strIndent As String, ByRef varStrings As Variant, ByRef varMatchesFound As Variant, ByRef varFileNames As Variant, ByRef lngFolderCount As Long, lngFileCount As Long) 
Dim objFileSystemObject As Object, objFolder As Object, objFile As Object 

    ' Use late binding throughout this method to avoid having to set any references. 
    Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    lngFolderCount = lngFolderCount + 1 
    Debug.Print strIndent & "Dir: " & Format(lngFolderCount, "###,##0 ") & strFolder 

    For Each objFolder In objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(strFolder).SubFolders 
     If objFolder.Name = "history" Then 
      'Do Nothing 
      ' Recurse with the current sub folder. 
      Call ProcessFolder(objFolder.Path, strIndent & " ", varStrings, varMatchesFound, varFileNames, lngFolderCount, lngFileCount) 
     End If 

    ' Process any files found in the current folder. 
    For Each objFile In objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(strFolder).Files 
     Call ProcessFile(objFile.Path, strIndent & " ", varStrings, varMatchesFound, varFileNames, lngFileCount) 

    Set objFileSystemObject = Nothing: Set objFolder = Nothing: Set objFile = Nothing 
End Sub 

步驟3 - 方法文件方法

Private Sub ProcessFile(strFullPath As String, ByRef strIndent As String, ByRef varStrings As Variant, ByRef varMatchesFound As Variant, ByRef varFileNames As Variant, ByRef lngFileCount As Long) 
On Error Resume Next 
Dim objFileSystemObject As Object 
Dim strFileContent As String 
Dim lngIndex As Long 
    lngFileCount = lngFileCount + 1 
    Debug.Print strIndent & "File: " & Format(lngFileCount, "###,##0 ") & strFullPath 

    ' Use late binding throughout this method to avoid having to set any references. 
    Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    strFileContent = objFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(strFullPath).Readall() 
    If Err.Number = 0 Then 
     ' Check for matched strings by iterating over the strings array. 
     For lngIndex = LBound(varStrings) To UBound(varStrings) 
      ' Skip zero length strings. 
      If Len(Trim$(varStrings(lngIndex))) > 0 Then 
       ' We have a matched string. 
       If InStr(1, strFileContent, varStrings(lngIndex), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then 
        ' Set up parallel arrays the first time the string is matched. 
        If Len(Trim$(varMatchesFound(lngIndex))) = 0 Then 
         ' Set corresponding array value. 
         varMatchesFound(lngIndex) = "String found" 
         ' Save file name where first match was found. 
         varFileNames(lngIndex) = strFullPath 
        End If 
       End If 
      End If 
    End If 
    Set objFileSystemObject = Nothing 
On Error GoTo 0 
End Sub 

我從另一個子調用子FindStrings調用FindStrings(strFolder,Nothing),但它拋出一個錯誤,說**子或函數沒有定義**,它停止在FindStrings()的執行,它也高亮'調用ProcessFolder' – S6633d


我需要調用/運行'FindStrings'在另一個子的末尾,我有文件夾路徑作爲字符串傳遞,否則它會更好,如果它提示用戶選擇文件夾.. @ j2associates – S6633d


我試過將FindStrings放置在標準模塊中,並將ProcessFile&PorcessFolder放在類模塊中,但它也不起作用。同樣的錯誤被拋出。請幫忙@ j2associates – S6633d



Sub Tester() 

    Debug.Print StringInFile("C:\_Stuff\test\File_Val2.txt", "xxx") 

End Sub 

Function StringInFile(fPath, txtSearch) As Boolean 
    StringInFile = InStr(CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject").opentextfile(_ 
         fPath).Readall(), txtSearch) > 0 
End Function 

