2017-02-19 344 views

我有新的項目: 15用5行繪製一個框,以便一旦你寫下你的代碼fillRect()函數。 對應於當前行號的每一行是正方形(例如,第三排的三個方格中)。爲什麼不工作:(For循環在Javascript中的for循環

var c= document.getElementById('myCanvas').getContext('2d'); 

var a= 10; 
var b= 10; 
var cw= 40; 
var ch= 40; 

for(i=1; i<= 5; i++){ 
    for(j=1; j<= 5; j++){ 

    c.fillStyle= '#fff947'; 

爲什麼你25次做同樣的事情? –


兩個循環內的代碼應該依賴'i'和'j'。 –


這是內循環中缺失的大括號。投票結束作爲印刷錯誤。 – lonesomeday





var can = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); 
can.style.width = "500px"; 
can.style.height = "500px"; 

var ctx = can.getContext('2d'); 

var x = 10; 
var y = 10; 
var w = 10; 
var h = 10; 

// Need to keep track of a horizontal indentation amount 
// on rows where more than one box should be drawn. 
var offsetX = 0; 

for(i = 1; i < 6; i++){ 
    // Each new row should have the default indentaion 
    offsetX = 10; 
    // This loop needs to execute the amount of times that the 
    // outer loop has run (i.e. when i is 1, j should be 2 
    // so that this loop will run once. This loop also needs 
    // curly braces around its code. 
    for(j = 1; j < i + 1; j++){ 
    ctx.fillStyle = '#fff947'; 
    ctx.strokeRect(x + offsetX, y, w, h); 
    ctx.fillRect(x + offsetX, y, w, h); 
    // On a given row, after making a box, increase the horizontal offset 
    // by the width of one box. 
    offsetX += w; 
    // After a row has been made, increase the vertical offset so that the 
    // next boxes go below the previous ones. Change the y value to be the 
    // old y value plus the height of a box plus 5 pixels just for a margin 
    // between rows. 
    y += (h + 5); 
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>