2016-02-05 169 views


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Sub Ram_copypaste() 
Dim w As Workbook 
Dim A As String 
Dim x As Worksheet 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
j = cells(2, 1).Value 
A = "Portfolio" 
B = ".xlsx" 
For i = 1 To j 
Set w = A & i & B 
Set x = A & i 
Workbooks("TE copypaste.xlsx").x.cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 
Next i 
End Sub 

設置x = A&i,會拋出編譯錯誤:類型不匹配,這可以自己嘗試。 – Anil


此外,您還沒有在任何地方聲明'B' – newguy




Dim x As Worksheet 


A = "Portfolio" 
For i = 1 
Set x = A & i 



set w = Workbooks.Open(<path>\<filename>) 
set x = w.sheets(A & I) 



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這可能是更適合您在您的評論中提到的:在使用 Debug.Print:

Sub test() 

Dim workBookPath As String, filename As String 
Dim i As Long, j As Long 
Dim awb As Workbook, w As Workbook 
Dim x As Worksheet 

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook 

workBookPath = "C:\users\mt390d\Documents\Reports\" 
    If IsNumeric(Cells(2, 1)) Then 
     j = Cells(2, 1).Value 
     Else: MsgBox ("Cell A2 must contain a number") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

For i = 1 To j 
    filename = Dir(workBookPath) 
    If filename <> awb.Name Then 
     Set w = Workbooks.Open(workBookPath & filename) 
     Sheets("Download1").Copy awb.Sheets(1) 
     Set x = ActiveSheet 
     On Error Resume Next 
      x.Name = "Portfolio" & i 
     On Error GoTo 0 
    End If 
    filename = Dir() 
Next i 

End Sub 

我在設置w = A&i&B時出現類型不匹配錯誤 – Ram


我已經聲明瞭B,但仍然看到錯誤 – Ram


正確 - 問題不在於B是未申報。基本上,一個字符串就是編譯器看到文本的方式,而工作簿實際上是一個對象,就像一個包含屬性,值等的框。 – Clyde



Sub Ram_copypaste() 
Dim w As Workbook 
Dim A As String, B As String 
Dim x As Worksheet 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 

j = cells(2, 1).Value 'Use Debug.Print to check the value of J 
A = "Portfolio" 
B = ".xlsx" 
For i = 1 To j 
Set w = workbooks(A & i & B) 'Make sure you already have a workbook 
    'with the same name as A & i & B opened otherwise this will give error. If 
    'you don't have it opened but have it on your drive first open it and then set it. 

set x = w.sheets(A & i)  'As suggested by Anil Kumar to avoid Type Mismatch error 
Workbooks("TE copypaste.xlsx").x.cells(1, 1).Select 
Workbooks("TE copypaste.xlsx").x.cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
Next i 
End Sub 

它拋出了不匹配@Set w = A&i & – Ram


是的,因爲我認爲這是一個全新的工作簿名稱,並且您尚未創建或打​​開任何具有相似名稱的工作簿,因此無法設置。 – newguy