2017-07-26 26 views


Animal 1 | Cat | 5 | Male    
Animal 2 | Mouse| 3 | Female  
Animal 3 | Dog | 1 | Male 


Animal 1 | Cat | 5 | Male 
Animal 1 | Cat | 5 | Male 
Animal 1 | Cat | 5 | Male 
Animal 1 | Cat | 5 | Male 
Animal 1 | Cat | 5 | Male 
Animal 2 | Mouse| 3 | Female 
Animal 2 | Mouse| 3 | Female 
Animal 2 | Mouse| 3 | Female 
Animal 3 | Dog | 1 | Male 



Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
    Dim currentRow As Long 
    Dim currentNewSheetRow As Long: currentNewSheetRow = 1 

    For currentRow = 1 To 1547 'The last row of your data 
    Dim timesToDuplicate As Integer 
    timesToDuplicate = CInt(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & currentRow).Value) 
    Dim i As Integer 
    For i = 1 To timesToDuplicate 
     Sheet2.Range("A" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("A" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("B" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("B" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("C" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("C" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("D" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("D" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("E" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("E" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("F" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("F" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("G" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("G" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("H" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("H" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("I" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("I" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("J" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("J" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     Sheet2.Range("K" & currentNewSheetRow).EntireRow.Value2 = Sheet1.Range("K" & currentRow).EntireRow.Value2 
     currentNewSheetRow = currentNewSheetRow + 1 
    Next i 
Next currentRow 

End Sub



不明白你的問題是什麼? – Zac


我的問題是我的代碼有什麼問題?我只是想構建一個命令按鈕,將工作表1中的起始行復制到工作表2中,並且我希望複製發生的次數等於C列中該行的單元格值。 –


什麼是問題?提出的任何錯誤或代碼不符合您的預期? – avb




Option Explicit 

Sub Demo2() 
    Dim lastRow As Long, lastColumn As Long, rowIndex As Long 
    Dim srcSht As Worksheet, destSht As Worksheet 
    Dim timesToDuplicate As Long, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 

    Set srcSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet5") 'sheet with data 
    Set destSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6") 'output sheet 

    lastRow = srcSht.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row  'last row with data 
    lastColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'number of columns 

    rowIndex = 1 
    For i = 1 To lastRow        'loop for all the rows with data 
     timesToDuplicate = srcSht.Cells(i, 3).Value  'get number of times row to be displayed 
     For j = 1 To timesToDuplicate     'loop for displaying row timesToDuplicate no. of times 
      For k = 1 To lastColumn      'loop of all columns 
       destSht.Cells(rowIndex, k) = srcSht.Cells(i, k) 'display data 
      Next k 
      rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 
     Next j 
    Next i 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 
End Sub 

非常感謝!它像我想要的那樣工作! ;) –
