我正在嘗試編寫一個從輸入文件構造多項式的程序。它讀入多項式並將值存儲到類屬性「係數」和「指數」中。例如。係數= 2,指數= 3將導致2x^3。讀取多項式和輸出時必須處理許多煩人的角落案例。 (operator<<
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Polynomial {
Polynomial(vector<double> iCoefficients, vector<int> iExponents);
int Degree() const;
double Evaluate(double x) const;
Polynomial Derivative() const;
friend Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial & p, const Polynomial & p2);
friend Polynomial operator*(const Polynomial & p, const Polynomial & p2);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Polynomial & p);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Polynomial & p);
vector<double> coefficients;
#include "polynomial.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Default Constructor
Polynomial::Polynomial() {
// Constructor for a Polynomial
Polynomial::Polynomial(vector<double> iCoefficients, vector<int> iExponents) {
for (int i = 0; i < iExponents[0]; i++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < iExponents.size(); i++) {
coefficients[(Degree() - iExponents[i])] = iCoefficients[i];
// Returns highest exponent of the polynomial
int Polynomial::Degree() const {
return coefficients.size();
// Evaluates the polynomial at a particular point
double Polynomial::Evaluate(double x) const {
double result;
for(int i = 0; i <= Degree(); i++) {
result += pow(x, Degree() - i) * coefficients[i];
return result;
// Returns first derivative of the polynomial
Polynomial Polynomial::Derivative() const { //----------------------???
// Polynomial result;
// for(int i = 0; i <= Degree(); i++) {
// result.coefficients[i] = coefficients[i] * (Degree() - i);
// }
// return result;
// Returns polynomial object that is the sum of parameters
Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial & p, const Polynomial & p2) {
int d = p.Degree();
int d2 = p2.Degree();
Polynomial sum;
for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < d2; i ++) {
sum.coefficients.push_back(p.coefficients[j] + p2.coefficients[i]);
return sum;
// Returns polynomial object that is the product of parameters
Polynomial operator*(const Polynomial & p, const Polynomial & p2) {
int d = p.Degree();
int d2 = p2.Degree();
Polynomial product;
for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < d2; i ++) {
product.coefficients.push_back(p.coefficients[j] * p2.coefficients[i]);
return product;
// Output operator
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Polynomial & p) {
for (int i = 0; i <= p.Degree(); i++) {
if(i == 0 && p.Degree() <= 1) {
out << 0;
if (p.coefficients[i] != 0 && i != 0) {
out << '+';
if (p.coefficients[i] != 0) {
out << p.coefficients[i];
if(i < (p.Degree() - 1)) {
out << "x^";
out << (i - p.Degree()) * (-1);
return out;
// Input operator
istream& operator>>(istream& in, Polynomial & p) {
char ch;
int exponent;
double coefficient;
vector<double> coefficients;
vector<int> exponents;
while(isspace(ch) == false) {
ch = in.peek();
if(ch == '+') {
in >> coefficient;
else if(ch == '-') {
in >> coefficient;
coefficient = coefficient * (-1);
else {
in >> coefficient;
ch = in.peek();
if((ch <= 'z') && (ch >= 'a')) {
in >> ch;
ch = in.peek();
if(ch == '^') {
in >> exponent;
exponent = 1;
exponent = 0;
p = Polynomial(coefficients, exponents);
return in;
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include "polynomial.h"
using namespace std;
bool testPolynomial(const Polynomial& p, string expected);
bool testOperations(const Polynomial& p, int degree, double expected);
bool testInput(string s);
int main() {
int errors = 0;
cerr << "Note: Nearly all of the tests expect a working output operator. If a test fails, check that first" << endl;
cerr << "Testing default constructor" << endl;
Polynomial p1; // test default constructor
errors += testPolynomial(p1, "0");
cerr << "Testing explicit value constructor" << endl;
double c_arr[] = {1.1, 2, 4, 7};
int e_arr[] = {6, 3, 2, 0};
vector<double> c(c_arr, c_arr+4);
vector<int> e(e_arr, e_arr+4);
Polynomial p2(c, e);
errors += testPolynomial(p2, "1.1x^6+2x^3+4x^2+7");
c.clear(); e.clear();
cout << '1' << endl;
Polynomial p3(c, e);
errors += testPolynomial(p3, "0");
cout << '2' << endl;
cerr << "Testing operations" << endl;
double c2_arr[] = {-1.1, 2, -4, 7};
int e2_arr[] = {4, 3, 2, 0};
vector<double> c2(c2_arr, c2_arr+4);
vector<int> e2(e2_arr, e2_arr+4);
Polynomial p4(c2,e2);
errors += testOperations(p1, 0, 0);
errors += testOperations(p2, 6, 109.4);
errors += testOperations(p4, 4, -10.6);
errors += testPolynomial(p1.Derivative(), "0");
errors += testPolynomial(p2.Derivative(), "6.6x^5+6x^2+8x");
errors += testPolynomial(p4.Derivative(), "-4.4x^3+6x^2-8x");
errors += testPolynomial(p1+p2, "1.1x^6+2x^3+4x^2+7");
errors += testPolynomial(p2+p4, "1.1x^6-1.1x^4+4x^3+14");
errors += testPolynomial(p1*p2, "0");
errors += testPolynomial(p2*p2, "1.21x^12+4.4x^9+8.8x^8+19.4x^6+16x^5+16x^4+28x^3+56x^2+49");
double c_arr3[] = {-1};
int e_arr3[] = {0};
vector<double> c3 = vector<double>(c_arr3, c_arr3+1);
vector<int> e3 = vector<int>(e_arr3, e_arr3+1);
Polynomial p5(c3, e3);
errors += testPolynomial(p2 * p5 + p2, "0");
errors += testPolynomial(p5, "-1");
cerr << "Testing input operator." << endl;
return errors;
bool testPolynomial(const Polynomial& p, string expected) {
ostringstream out;
out << p;
if (out.str() != expected) {
cerr << "Test failed: expected " << expected << " got " << out.str() << endl;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool testOperations(const Polynomial& p, int degree, double expected) {
if(p.Degree() != degree) {
cerr << "Failed Degree operation" << endl;
return true;
double result = p.Evaluate(2.0);
if (fabs(result - expected) > 1e-5) {
cerr << "Failed Evaluation operation" << endl;
return false;
bool testInput(string s) {
Polynomial p;
istringstream in(s+" ");
in >> p;
ostringstream out;
out << p;
if (out.str() != s) {
cerr << "Failed input test. Expected: " << s << " got " << out.str() << endl;
return true;
return false;
所以...你做了什麼,你的問題到底是什麼? – emartel
您似乎沒有正確實施總和和產品。你能用這種代數符號記下這些運算的數學公式,並與你所擁有的數據進行比較嗎?在不相關的消息中,不要在頭文件中使用'namespace std'。 –
一般來說,要求你有兩個長度完全相同的'std :: vector's是一個壞主意。相反,有一個'std :: vector',其中的兩部分數據都是'pair's(或'struct's)。一對係數和指數是一個多項式中的「項」,它可能是'struct'的一個好名字。關於這種抽象的好處是,如果你總是使用術語,那麼在上面的代碼中犯的一些錯誤就更難了。例如,寫下「Term GetNthTerm(int n)const」和「size_t HowManyTerms()const」,並且大部分代碼開始更容易正確寫入。 – Yakk