2015-02-06 61 views


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
\t var temp = prompt("Enter the temp from outside"); 
\t var sky = prompt("tell us what it is like outside put ether sun, rain, snow (it is case sensitive so follow orders.)"); 

\t function getHot(temp) { 
\t \t if (temp >= 100) { 
\t \t document.write ("Bet u wish you could go naked but shorts and T-shirt will do."); 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (temp >= 60) { 
\t \t document.write ("Ok thats a bit better but i would say shorts and T-shirt would be good.") 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (temp >= 40){ 
\t \t document.write ("Getting a bit nippy out maybe get some pants and a jacket.") 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (temp >= 0){ 
\t \t document.write ("Sucks to be you right now put on you big boy pants get a sweater and put a heavy coat on.") 
\t \t } 
\t \t else if (temp <= -1){ 
\t \t document.write ("Stay inside you fool theres no need to freeze to death.") 
\t \t } 
\t \t else { 
\t \t document.write ("you mess with me i mess with you refresh to do this right.") 
\t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t function getLight(sky) { 
\t if (sky = sun){ 
\t document.write ("Enjoy the light get out your house it's good for you inless it's to hot or to cold then hide from the light.") 
\t } 
\t else if (sky = rain){ 
\t document.write ("Can't beleave you have to ask this but get a umbrella and maybe a poncho.") 
\t } 
\t else if (sky = snow){ 
\t document.write ("If you are afraid of getting wet then use a umbrella other then that bundle up.") 
\t } 
\t else { 
\t document.write ("not going to tell you again follow what i say refresh and do it again.") 
\t } 
\t } 
\t getHot(temp); 
\t getLight(sky); 



不要使用'document.write',請參閱[規範(http://www.w3.org/警告TR/HTML5/dom.html#文件撰寫%28%29)。改用DOM方法。 – Oriol 2015-02-07 00:01:04


您能否詳細說明我們還沒有在我的課程中介紹DOM? – 2015-02-07 00:03:23


'sky = snow'應該是'sky == snow'' – 2015-02-07 00:06:07






var temp = prompt("Enter the temp from outside"); 
var sky = prompt("tell us what it is like outside put ether sun, rain, snow (it is case sensitive so follow orders.)"); 
function getHot(temp) { 
    if (temp >= 100) { 
    alert("Bet u wish you could go naked but shorts and T-shirt will do."); 
    else if (temp >= 60) { 
    alert("Ok thats a bit better but i would say shorts and T-shirt would be good.") 
    else if (temp >= 40){ 
    alert("Getting a bit nippy out maybe get some pants and a jacket.") 
    else if (temp >= 0){ 
    alert("Sucks to be you right now put on you big boy pants get a sweater and put a heavy coat on.") 
    else if (temp <= -1){ 
    alert("Stay inside you fool theres no need to freeze to death.") 
    else { 
    alert("you mess with me i mess with you refresh to do this right.") 
function getLight(sky) { 
if (sky == "sun"){ 
alert("Enjoy the light get out your house it's good for you inless it's to hot or to cold then hide from the light.") 
else if (sky == "rain"){ 
alert("Can't beleave you have to ask this but get a umbrella and maybe a poncho.") 
else if (sky = "snow"){ 
alert("If you are afraid of getting wet then use a umbrella other then that bundle up.") 
else { 
alert("not going to tell you again follow what i say refresh and do it again.") 




感謝您接受評分 – 2015-02-07 01:58:38



  • 文件撰寫是很危險的,你應該寫DOM 代替。看看這個問題從SO:What is the correct way to write HTML using Javascript?。如果你還沒有覆蓋DOM,我現在不會擔心它。如果您的老師告訴您,請使用document.write。只知道它在現實世界中不適合。

  • 您的getLight函數使用的是賦值運算符,而不是 比較運算符。說sky = sun是相當於說 '設置變量天空的變量太陽的價值(這導致 到下一個點)。您需要使用比較運算符sky === sun

  • 你「getLight」是sky變量的值進行比較不是字符串'sun''rain',而是命名爲sun未定義的變量,`雨,等你需要確保你的包裹你的字符串加引號。


if (sky === 'sun'){ 
    //output is a DOM element. See the link above on how to access it, or just use document.write if thats what your teacher wants. 
     output.innerHTML = "Enjoy the light get out your house it's good for you inless it's to hot or to cold then hide from the light." 