2012-12-04 45 views


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       <strong> Windmill Brixton</strong><br /> 
       22 Bleinheim Gdns.,Brixton,Greater London,SW2 5BZ <br>Tel: +442086710700<br/> 
       <span class="type">Music Venue</span> 
          <a href="" class="suggest-message">Suggest this date</a> 
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          <img src="https://irs2.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/BX4LJ4AWOITAKFEP.png" alt="user"/> 
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          <strong>Time Out London</strong> <span class="date">Mar 28, 2012</span><br /> 
          The Windmill?s been revelling in its rough-around-the-edges eccentricity for years, its unprepossessing exterior a cloak for its dedication to new leftfield music.       </div> 

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          <img src="https://irs2.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/CZ4LAAECPOPSLWFO.jpg" alt="user"/> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <strong>lojinx</strong> <span class="date">Nov 14, 2011</span><br /> 
          Quite possibly the best music venue in London.       </div> 

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          <img src="https://irs0.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/DSZOC3K4QKAPXSJR.jpg" alt="user"/> 
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          <strong>Sonja F.</strong> <span class="date">Sep 17, 2011</span><br /> 
          Voted one of the best live music venues in London       </div> 

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          <img src="https://irs3.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/WA34MTKMKJO1KCHQ.jpg" alt="user"/> 
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          <strong>Thrash Hits</strong> <span class="date">Jan 26, 2011</span><br /> 
          Famous for the rock 'n' roll all-dayers with the saltiest barbecues ever. It's a(nother) good excuse to drink more beer. Great gigs happen here. Plus there is a dog on the roof. A Roof Dog.       </div> 

         <div class="thumbnail"> 

          <img src="https://irs0.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/EKEP42S0ULCMYI44.jpg" alt="user"/> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <strong>Drowned in Sound</strong> <span class="date">Jan 26, 2011</span><br /> 
          Home of some early DiS nights and alldayers. Great little venue. Usually a free bbq on Sundays, and yeah, DOG ON THE ROOF! Like, a real Dog.       </div> 

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          <img src="https://irs2.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/YHCPQIZ0W31MZBPM.jpg" alt="user"/> 
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          <strong>Jonathan D.</strong> <span class="date">Nov 24, 2010</span><br /> 
          Mind the Rottweiler on the roof! That's a bit mental!       </div> 

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          <img src="https://irs3.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/1F3XOCML0ZKKQJOU.jpg" alt="user"/> 
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          <strong>aurora</strong> <span class="date">Sep 08, 2010</span><br /> 
          Looking forward to the pine hill haints gig       </div> 

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          <img src="https://irs1.4sqi.net/img/user/40x40/4N5O4KYF54WUYBCW.jpg" alt="user"/> 
         <div class="content"> 
          <strong>Jack P.</strong> <span class="date">Jul 18, 2010</span><br /> 
          Quite simply Brixton's finest venue... Hook up a summer BBQ/ roofdog spotting/ awesome gig for good times...       </div> 

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      <h3>Suggest A Date</h3> 
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          <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="4be57938bcef2d7fc3ce03e5" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" value="Windmill Brixton" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="phone" id="phone" value="+442086710700" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="address" id="address" value="22 Bleinheim Gdns." /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="lat" id="lat" value="51.45390" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="lng" id="lng" value="-0.12246" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="postcode" id="postcode" value="SW2 5BZ" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="city" id="city" value="Brixton" /> 
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          <input type="hidden" name="country" id="country" value="United Kingdom" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="cc" id="cc" value="GB" /> 
          <input type="hidden" name="type" id="type" value="Music Venue" /> 
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          <input type="hidden" name="user_to" id="user_to" value="597" /> 
        <textarea name="message" class="wysiwyg" id="messages_message">How about we meet up at Windmill Brixton, 22 Bleinheim Gdns.,Brixton,Greater London,SW2 5BZ. Sound good? <a href="http://dev64238.loveflutter.com/dating_place/541" class="suggest-date-msg">See it on map</a></textarea> 
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爲什麼你會關閉它的每一個請求,這是不好的建議。 – epascarello


嗯,我只是因爲我需要支持IE ..所以爲什麼要在每一個Ajax調用中手動關閉它......當我可以在一次拍攝中爲每個請求做到這一點。 –


因此,而不是搞清楚緩存頭,你會導致額外的http請求? – epascarello



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