2010-06-16 27 views

我試圖解決一個CSS菜單問題,在菜單未在IE 6中正確顯示 alt text http://content.screencast.com/users/Dokmanc/folders/Jing/media/72b0aae5-4e7a-437e-8a57-da892b05b7ad/2010-06-15_2056.pngCSS菜單具有跨瀏覽器的問題





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          <![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]> 

      <li runat="server" id="ApplyNow"> 
       <a runat="server" id="lnkEditOrder" href="../OrderChinaVisa.aspx" title="Use our Price Calculator and simultaneously begin the China Visa application process!"><b>Apply Now!</b> 
       <!--[if gte IE 7]><!--></a> 
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          <![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]> 
      <li runat="server" id="CheckStatus"> 
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          <![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]> 
      <li runat="server" id="Affiliate"> 
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放棄對IE6的支持?當你這樣做的時候感覺很棒。 :) – 2010-06-16 01:15:33



哥們, 擺脫你的標記所有conditinal廢話,它會爲IE瀏覽器的所有版本。



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