2017-02-22 31 views

formssolved flask AttributeError

class AddProcessForm(Form): 
    process_name = StringField('product_name') 
    step_number = StringField('number') 
    step_name = StringField('name') 
    submit = SubmitField('submit') 


@manage.route('/admin/process/add', methods=['get', 'post']) 


def add_process(): 
    form = AddProcessForm() 
    if form.validate_on_submit(): 
     return redirect(url_for('manage.admin')) 
    return render_template("/manage/add_process.html", form=form) 


[enter image description here][1] [enter image description here][2] 請問我在麼在服務器拿到step_name,step_number,


I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it contains Chinese which is not widely understood. – SparkAndShine


Please edit your question and write english sentences, this question is useless to other people not speaking chinese. – NaeiKinDus



It is simply because when you are defining AddProcessForm class you are not defining that attribute , If you want to have that attributes, Please define your class like following

class AddProcessForm(Form): 
process_name = StringField('product_name') 
step_number = StringField('number') 
step_name = StringField('name') 
submit = SubmitField('submit') 

adding more attributes to your class

class AddProcessForm(Form): 
process_name = StringField('product_name') 
step_number = StringField('number') 
step_number1 = StringField('number1') 
step_name = StringField('name') 
step_name1 = StringField('name1') 
submit = SubmitField('submit') 

I would suggest do not use attributes like step_number1, if you want multiple fields of same attribute, you can use list instead of defining same attribute with sequence 1,2,3


Hello, thank you for the answer, my question is the user post information is self-growth, I can not predict how many users will step step_number, step_name. –


Thanks please mark it as an answer, you can store list instead of string field to store self-growth information –


please detailed, i don't known –
