2010-03-27 82 views

嗨,我正在從php服務調用aps.net web服務。該服務使用搜索參數搜索兩個數據庫。我不知道如何將搜索參數傳遞給asp.net服務。代碼如下。 (目前還沒有搜索放慢參數,但即時通訊在它如何被傳遞到asp.net服務只是有興趣)從php調用asp.net web服務

$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $passwd); 
$query = 'SELECT firstname, surname, phone, location FROM staff ORDER BY surname'; 
$result = mysql_query($query,$link); 

// if there is a result 
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { 
    // set up a DOM object 
    $xmlDom1 = new DOMDocument(); 
    $xmlRoot = $xmlDom1->documentElement; 
    // loop over the rows in the result 
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { 
     $xmlPerson = $xmlDom1->createElement('staff'); 
     $xmlFname = $xmlDom1->createElement('fname'); 
     $xmlText = $xmlDom1->createTextNode($row[0]); 
     $xmlSname = $xmlDom1->createElement('sname'); 
     $xmlText = $xmlDom1->createTextNode($row[1]); 
     $xmlTel = $xmlDom1->createElement('phone'); 
     $xmlText = $xmlDom1->createTextNode($row[2]); 
     $xmlLoc = $xmlDom1->createElement('loc'); 
     $xmlText = $xmlDom1->createTextNode($row[3]); 

// instance a SOAP client to the dotnet web service and read it into a DOM object 
// (this really should have an exception handler) 
$client = new SoapClient('http://stuiis.cms.gre.ac.uk/mk05/dotnet/dataBind01/phoneBook.asmx?WSDL'); 
$xmlString = $client->getDirectoryDom()->getDirectoryDomResult->any; 
$xmlDom2 = new DOMDocument(); 

// merge the second DOM object into the first 
foreach ($xmlDom2->documentElement->childNodes as $staffNode) { 
    $xmlPerson = $xmlDom1->createElement($staffNode->nodeName); 
    foreach ($staffNode->childNodes as $xmlNode) { 
     $xmlElement = $xmlDom1->createElement($xmlNode->nodeName); 
     $xmlText = $xmlDom1->createTextNode($xmlNode->nodeValue); 

// return result 
echo $xmlDom 

不回答你的問題,但是這是使用OData的http://blogs.msdn.com/interoperability/archive/2010/03/一個完美的方案16/OData兼容互操作性與淨java的PHP-iphone和 - more.aspx – 2010-03-27 02:53:13
