當我運行的代碼: 的#include //爲CIN,COUT,ENDL使用命名空間std 的#include 的#include ;
const int DAYS_WEEK = 7;
const int MONKEYS = 3;
int main()
// main function
// One dimensional array just to prove I could do it. Also it holds the names of the days of the week, for the cout statement below that asks for input
string dayOfWeek[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
//2d array that will store the food eaten by each monkey as it is entered in by the user below
double foodEaten[DAYS_WEEK][MONKEYS];
//value to store the sum of all the food eaten by all monkeys
double total = 0;
//count to keep track of how many times the sum loop runs below, so I can use it as the divisor to find the average
int count = 0;
//value to hold the average once found
double average = 0;
//value to hold the least amount of food eaten
double least = 0;
//value to hold the highest amount of food eaten
double most = 0;
//This nested loop asks for input from the user and should input the values entered into the two dimensional array
for (int monkey = 0; monkey < MONKEYS; monkey++)
for (int day = 0; day < DAYS_WEEK; day++)
cout << "Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey "
<< (monkey + 1)
<< " on " << dayOfWeek[day] << ": " ;
cin >> foodEaten[monkey][day];
//This will double check that the user hasn't entered a negative number and if they have throw them back into the loop
while (foodEaten[monkey][day] < 0)
cout << "Enter a non-negative amount: ";
cin >> foodEaten[monkey][day];
cout << endl;
//This should display the table of how much food was eaten after it is all entered
cout << setw(6) << "Monkey"
<< setw(5) << "Sun"
<< setw(5) << "Mon"
<< setw(5) << "Tue"
<< setw(5) << "Wed"
<< setw(5) << "Thu"
<< setw(5) << "Fri"
<< setw(5) << "Sat" << endl;
for (int monkeyLord = 0; monkeyLord <= 2; monkeyLord++)
cout << setw(6) << (monkeyLord + 1) << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][0] << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][1] << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][2] << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][3] << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][4] << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][5] << setw(5) << foodEaten[monkeyLord][6] << endl;
//This should sum all the amounts of food eaten by the monkeys
for (int monkeyTotal = 0; monkeyTotal <= 2; monkeyTotal ++)
for (int dayTotal = 0; dayTotal <= 6; dayTotal ++)
total = total + foodEaten[monkeyTotal][dayTotal];
//This should find the average amount of food eaten
average = total/count;
cout << "The average food eaten per day by all monkeys :" << setw(6) << average << " pounds" << endl;
//This shoud find the least amount of food eaten
least = foodEaten[0][0];
for (int monkeyLeast = 0; monkeyLeast <= 2; monkeyLeast ++)
for (int dayLeast = 0; dayLeast <= 6; dayLeast ++)
if (foodEaten[monkeyLeast][dayLeast] < least)
least = foodEaten[monkeyLeast][dayLeast];
cout << "The least amount of food eaten by any monkey :" << setw(6) << least << " pounds" << endl;
//This should find the highest amount of food eaten
most = foodEaten[0][0];
for (int monkeyMost = 0; monkeyMost <= 2; monkeyMost ++)
for (int dayMost = 0; dayMost <= 6; dayMost ++)
if (foodEaten[monkeyMost][dayMost] > most)
most = foodEaten[monkeyMost][dayMost];
cout << "The largest amount of food eaten by any monkey :" << setw(6) << most << " pounds" << endl;
return 0;
Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Sun: 1 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Mon: 2 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Tue: 3 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Wed: 4 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Thu: 5 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Fri: 6 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 1 on Sat: 7 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Sun: 8 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Mon: 9 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Tue: 10 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Wed: 11 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Thu: 12 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Fri: 13 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 2 on Sat: 14 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Sun: 15 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Mon: 16 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Tue: 17 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Wed: 18 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Thu: 19 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Fri: 20 Enter pounds of food eaten by monkey 3 on Sat: 21 Monkey Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 2 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The average food eaten per day by all monkeys :12.7143 pounds The least amount of food eaten by any monkey : 1 pounds The largest amount of food eaten by any monkey : 21 pounds -------------------------------- Process exited after 19.28 seconds with return value 0 Press any key to continue . . .
再看看'foodEaten'的聲明,然後再看看你如何使用它。宣言中猴子的日期和地點在哪裏與您的使用方式相比如何? –
更改'foodEaten [monkey] [day];'到'foodEaten [day] [monkey];' – Rabbid76
謝謝,這是超級有用的。我沒有意識到我正在初始化列和行。我打算將它初始化爲行然後列。 ! –