2014-07-14 24 views
#include <iostream> 

#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

//Iterates over the string array appNames displaying each application 
//name in a separate line. There are appCount elements in the array 

void displayAllApplicationNames(string appNames[], int appCount); 

//Swaps strings in string array appNames between appIndex1 and appIndex2 

void swapAppNames(int appIndex1, int appIndex2, string appNames[]); 

//Splits string array appNames around a pivot index p (the pivot). 
//Elements below index p are less than elements above index p. 
//The function returns the pivot p 

int pivot(int first, int last, string appNames[]); 

//Implements the QuickSort algorithm to sort string array 
//appNames between indeces first and last 

void quickSort(int first, int last, string appNames[]); 

void main() 


    string appNames[] = 


     "4) Pages", "2) Keynote", "3) Numbers", 

     "8) Word", "5) PowerPoint", "1) Excel", 

     "0) Documents", "6) Presentation", "7) Sheets" 


    displayAllApplicationNames(appNames, 9); 

    swapAppNames(3, 6, appNames); 

    displayAllApplicationNames(appNames, 9); 

    quickSort(0, 8, appNames); 

    displayAllApplicationNames(appNames, 9); 



void displayAllApplicationNames(string appNames[], int appCount) 


     for(appCount = 0; appCount <= 8; appCount++) 

     cout << "[" << appCount << "]\t"<< appNames[appCount] << endl; 


     if(appCount < 0 || appCount > 8) 

      cout << "_________" <<endl; 


void swapAppNames(int appIndex1, int appIndex2, string appNames[]) 

    string temp = appNames[appIndex1]; 
    appNames[appIndex1] = appNames[appIndex2]; 
    appNames[appIndex2] = temp; 


int pivot(int first, int last, string appNames[]) 

    int pivotIndex, mid = (first + last)/2; 
    swapAppNames(first, mid, appNames); 
    pivotIndex = first; 
    string pivotValue = appNames[first]; 
    for (int i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) 
     if (appNames[i] < pivotValue) 
      swapAppNames(pivotIndex, i, appNames); 

     swapAppNames(first, last, appNames); 

     return pivotIndex; 


void quickSort(int first, int last, string appNames[]) 

    if (first < last) 
     int p = pivot(first, last, appNames); 
     quickSort(first, p - 1, appNames); 
     quickSort(p + 1, last, appNames); 






int pivot(int first, int last, string appNames[]) 

    int pivotIndex, mid = (first + last)/2; 
    swapAppNames(first, mid, appNames); 
    pivotIndex = first; 
    string pivotValue = appNames[first]; 
    for (int i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) 
     if (appNames[i] < pivotValue) 
      swapAppNames(pivotIndex, i, appNames); 


    swapAppNames(pivotIndex, first, appNames); 

     return pivotIndex; 



檢查你的'樞軸' - 有很多奇怪的事情。 –


我會重寫pivot函數,但在此期間,你能給我任何其他建議嗎?在這一點上,我真的沒有線索。如果不明顯,我是初學者,這是一項家庭作業。 – user3835257


我可以看到的第一件事是最後的交換和返回應該在循環外(在數據透視中)。其次,最後一個交換應該有'poivotindex'和索引你首先存儲的位置,而不是'first'和'last'。最後,我想你應該在最後一個地方存儲數據透視表,而不是在開始循環之前(因爲你對數組進行排序的方式,如果pivot是最大的元素,它將保持在第一位,而不是移動到它應該是最後的)。 –





其他更改與last的含義相同,因爲它在您的quickSortpivot接口中使用。如果last意味着「一個超越終點」,那更好。如果last實際上是最後一項,那麼您無法表示空列表。在您的符號(0,0)中,長度爲1,(0,1)長度爲2等,長度計算爲(last - first)+1。如果last是「one of the end」,則空列表爲(0,0),(0,1)爲長度爲1等,長度爲(last - first)。如果你繼續使用C++,你會發現這是STL的工作方式,所以現在學習它很有用。

#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

//Iterates over the string array appNames displaying each application 
//name in a separate line. There are appCount elements in the array 
void displayAllApplicationNames(string appNames[], int appCount); 

//Swaps strings in string array appNames between appIndex1 and appIndex2 
void swapAppNames(int appIndex1, int appIndex2, string appNames[]); 

//Splits string array appNames around a pivot index p (the pivot). 
//Elements below index p are less than elements above index p. 
//The function returns the pivot p 
int pivot(int first, int last, string appNames[]); 

//Implements the QuickSort algorithm to sort string array 
//appNames between indices first and last 
void quickSort(int first, int last, string appNames[]); 

int main() { 
    string appNames[] = { 
    "4) Pages", "2) Keynote", "3) Numbers", 
    "8) Word", "5) PowerPoint", "1) Excel", 
    "0) Documents", "6) Presentation", "7) Sheets" }; 
    displayAllApplicationNames(appNames, 9); 
    swapAppNames(3, 6, appNames); 
    displayAllApplicationNames(appNames, 9); 
    quickSort(0, 9, appNames); 
    displayAllApplicationNames(appNames, 9); 
    return 0; } 

void displayAllApplicationNames(string appNames[], int appCount) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < appCount; ++i) { 
    cout << "[" << i << "]\t" << appNames[i] << endl; } 

    cout << "_________" << endl; } 

void swapAppNames(int appIndex1, int appIndex2, string appNames[]) { 
    string temp = appNames[appIndex1]; 
    appNames[appIndex1] = appNames[appIndex2]; 
    appNames[appIndex2] = temp; } 

int pivot(int p, int n, string a[]) { 
    for (int i = p + 1; i < n; ++i) { 
    if (a[i] < a[p]) { 
     swapAppNames(i, p + 1, a); 
     swapAppNames(p, p + 1, a); 
     ++p; } } 

    return p; } 

void quickSort(int first, int last, string a[]) { 
    if (first < last) { 
    int p = pivot(first, last, a); 
    quickSort(first, p, a); 
    quickSort(p + 1, last, a); } }