我在vb.net中使用了這段代碼。該的PropertyInfo p被出山如無物,即使DataTable的我的列名與類名匹配屬性PropertyInfo在vb.net中沒有任何東西
Public Class ReflectionMethods(Of T As New)
' function that set the given object from the given data row
Public Shared Sub SetItemFromRow(item As T, row As DataRow)
' go through each column
For Each c As DataColumn In row.Table.Columns
' find the property for the column. at this point i am getting p as nothing
Dim p As PropertyInfo = item.GetType().GetProperty(c.ColumnName)
' if exists, set the value
If p IsNot Nothing AndAlso row(c) IsNot DBNull.Value Then
p.SetValue(item, row(c), Nothing)
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class StockProduct
Public SupplierName As String
Public ModelName As String
Public ModelDescription As String
Public ProductCategoryName As String
Public ManufacturerName As String
End Class
和我有欄比賽 的DataTable。請注意,productcategoryName匹配,但在截圖
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