2014-04-24 148 views


Select c.Configurationid, 
     coalesce(d.enrolment,0) as Enrolment, 
     coalesce(d.accepts,0) as Accepts, 
     coalesce(d.rejects,0) as Rejects, 
     coalesce(d.incomplete,0) as Incomplete  
from VVConfiguration c with (nolock) 
Select ConfigurationId, 
     Sum(case when d.dialoguestatusid = 1 and d.processtypeid = 1 and e.CreateDate = dates.maxcreatedate then 1 else 0 end) as enrolment, 
     sum(case when ec.verificationdecisionid in (2, 3, 5) and d.ProcessTypeID = 2 and e.CreateDate = dates.maxcreatedate then 1 else 0 end) as accepts, 
     sum(case when ec.verificationdecisionid = 6 and d.ProcessTypeID = 2 and e.CreateDate = dates.maxcreatedate then 1 else 0 end) as rejects, 
     sum(case when d.dialoguestatusid = 4 and (e.CreateDate = dates.maxcreatedate or e.CreateDate IS NULL) then 1 else 0 end) as Incomplete 
from dbo.dialogue d with (nolock) 
LEFT JOIN exchange e with (nolock) on e.dialogueid = d.dialogueid 
LEFT JOIN exchangeclaimant ec on e.exchangeid = ec.ExchangeID 
left JOIN 
(Select a.DialogueID,max(ex.CreateDate) as maxcreatedate from Dialogue a (nolock) 
        JOIN Exchange ex with (nolock) on a.dialogueId = ex.dialogueid           
        group by (a.dialogueid)) dates on dates.maxcreatedate = e.createdate and dates.DialogueID = d.DialogueID 

group by d.configurationid) d on d.configurationid = c.configurationid 
Where c.OrganisationUnitId = '1234' 
order by configurationdescription 



(from c in this.context.VVConfiguration 
join p in 
     from d in this.context.Dialogue 
     join e in this.context.Exchange on d.DialogueID equals e.DialogueID into ex 
     from exd in ex.DefaultIfEmpty() 
     join ec in this.context.ExchangeClaimant on exd.ExchangeID equals ec.ExchangeID into exc 
     from exec in exc.DefaultIfEmpty() 
     join date in 
       from di in this.context.Dialogue 
       join x in this.context.Exchange on di.DialogueID equals x.ExchangeID 
       join xc in this.context.ExchangeClaimant on x.ExchangeID equals xc.ExchangeID 
       group xc by new { di.DialogueID } into dates 
       select new 
        MaxDate = dates.Max(a => a.Exchange.CreateDate) 
      ) on exec.Exchange.CreateDate equals date.MaxDate into xc 
     from xec in xc.DefaultIfEmpty() 
     group exec by new { d.ConfigurationID } into g 
     select new 
      ConfigurationID = g.Key.ConfigurationID, 
      Enrolment = g.Sum(a => ((a.Exchange.Dialogue.DialogueStatusID == 1 && a.Exchange.Dialogue.ProcessTypeID == 1) ? 1 : 0)), 
      Accepts = g.Sum(a => ((acceptsVerficationList.Contains(a.VerificationDecisionID) && a.Exchange.Dialogue.ProcessTypeID == 2) ? 1 : 0)), 
      Rejects = g.Sum(a => ((a.VerificationDecisionID == 6 && a.Exchange.Dialogue.ProcessTypeID == 2) ? 1 : 0)), 
      InComplete = g.Sum(a => (a.Exchange.Dialogue.DialogueStatusID == 4) ? 1 : 0) 
    ) on c.ConfigurationID equals p.ConfigurationID into details 
from configuration in details.DefaultIfEmpty() 
where c.OrganisationUnitID == new Guid(organizationId) 
orderby c.ConfigurationDescription 
select new ConfigurationDetails 
    ConfigurationID = c.ConfigurationID, 
    ConfigurationDescription = c.ConfigurationDescription, 
    Enrolment = configuration.Enrolment, 
    Accepts = configuration.Accepts, 
    Rejects = configuration.Rejects,            
    InComplete = configuration.InComplete 

實體框架或LINQ到SQL?它不能兼而有之。還請顯示課程及其屬性。在LINQ中,你不應該加入,但使用導航屬性。這通常會使LINQ語句更短,更容易編寫。 –


我試圖導航屬性,但我很困惑如何使用子查詢和聚合函數。所以最後使用linq,但這又如此複雜。 – Vin05


人們願意提供幫助,但通過展示我上面提到的內容,您可以更輕鬆地做到這一點。 –
