這是失敗的行,錯誤消息爲「無法將類型[AnyObject]的值轉換爲期望的參數類型[ PFObject]」無法將[AnyObject]類型的值轉換爲期望的參數類型[PFObject] - 解析&Swift II錯誤
進口的UIKit 進口解析
類AbstractService:BaseService {
private let _cache = AbstractCache<T>()
private let _parser = AbstractParser<T>()
/// Store all completionHandlers for convertFromParseObject operations here. Need this to avoid a concurrent conversions of the same object.
var conversions = Dictionary<String, [(entity: T) -> Void]>()
/// Contains ids of objects, which need their videos to be downloaded.
var queue: [(entityId: String, file: PFFile)] = []
var isQueueDownloading = false
var className: String {
get {
fatalError("This property must be overridden")
// MARK: - Create
func createEntity() -> T {
let entity = T()
return entity
// MARK: - Obtain all
/// Base method, which obtains entities from Parse database.
/// - parameter skip: Number of records, which will be skipped.
/// - parameter limit: Max number of entities returned.
/// - parameter constraints: A block, which applies constraints to PFQuery. E.g. query.includeKey("author") or query.whereKey("user", equalTo: PFUser.currentUser()).
/// - parameter success: Success block. Executes when operation successfully finished.
/// - parameter failure: Failure block. Executes when operation fails.
func obtain(skip skip: Int?, limit: Int?, constraints applyConstraints: ((query: PFQuery) -> PFQuery)?, success: (entities: [T]) -> Void, failure: FailureCompletionHandler) {
var query = PFQuery(className: className)
if let skip = skip {
query.skip = skip
query.limit = limit ?? 1000
if let applyConstraints = applyConstraints {
query = applyConstraints(query: query)
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
self.callFailureCompletionHandler(failure, error: error)
else {
if let objects = objects {
self.customObtainAllHandlerWithObjects(objects, success: success, failure: failure)
else {
failure(allowRetry: false, errorMessage: "Cannot load \(self.className)")
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