'Have you POST to this page?
If Len(Request.Form) > 0 Then Call Save()
Sub Save()
Dim a_check, i_item, i_items
a_check = Split(Request.Form("checkbox") & "", ",")
If IsArray(a_check) Then
i_items = UBound(a_check, 1)
For i_item = 0 To i_items
'Could store this and output it later on but is just a quick example
Response.Write a_check(i_item) & " is checked"
End If
End Sub
<!-- make the page POST to itself -->
<form method="POST" action="">
<! -- your other fields etc
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="A" />
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="B" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
混合服務器端代碼與客戶端事件,呃? – Abhitalks
@konrad:現在我真的很困惑。爲什麼你從問題中刪除* classic asp *並標記兩者? Op可能已經使用*經典的asp *! – Abhitalks
我使用的是經典的asp – user3138076