2016-02-16 42 views


{% block content %} 

<div class='main'> 

<form method='POST' action='/social/profile/' enctype='multipart/form-data'> 
    {% csrf_token %} 
    <h3>Select an image for your profile. Max 300x300 and 1mb.</h3> 
    <img src="{{ image.url }}" alt="Profile Image" height="100px" width="100px" /> 

    {{ form.profileimg.errors }} 
    {{ form.profileimg }} 
    {{ form.non_field_errors }} 

    <h3>Enter or edit your details</h3> <br/> 
    <textarea name='text' cols='50' rows='3'>{{ text }}</textarea> 
    <h3>Current Workplace</h3> 
    <input id="workplace" type="text" class="" name="workplace" value="{{ workplace }}"> 

    <h3>Telephone Number</h3> 
    <input id="telephone" type="text" class="" name="telephone" value="{{ telephone }}"> 

    <textarea id="address" type="text" class="" name="address">{{ address }}</textarea> 

    <input type="submit" value="Submit" > 


{% endblock %} 


但由於某種原因提交按鈕不可點擊?它在form.profileimg字段之前工作,我不能混合使用Django Forms和普通的HTML嗎?



     <title>Social Network: Facemagazine</title> 
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         <h1> Facemagazine </h1> 
         <p>Worlds second best social network! </p> 
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           <li><a class='icon' href='/social/logout/'> <h3> Log out </h3> </a></li> 



<div class='main'> 

<form method='POST' action='/social/profile/' enctype='multipart/form-data'> 
    <input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='kire68pdevP0JZt8gTUYSsj6Dit1cgro' /> 
    <h3>Select an image for your profile. Max 300x300 and 1mb.</h3> 
    <img src="/media/profileimgs/no-img.jpg" alt="Profile Image" height="100px" width="100px" /> 

    <input id="id_profileimg" name="profileimg" type="file" /> 

    <h3>Enter or edit your details</h3> <br/> 
    <textarea name='text' cols='50' rows='3'>Test Details</textarea> 
    <h3>Current Workplace</h3> 
    <input id="workplace" type="text" class="" name="workplace" value="Workplacee"> 

    <h3>Telephone Number</h3> 
    <input id="telephone" type="text" class="" name="telephone" value="Telefon"> 

    <textarea id="address" type="text" class="" name="address">adres</textarea> 

    <input type="submit" value="Submit" > 




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它不應該與該領域有任何關係。當您通過瀏覽器查看源代碼時,是否顯示突出顯示的錯誤? – Selcuk


將實際的源代碼發佈到頁面上。瀏覽器 - >查看源文件 –


@JohnGordon發表。沒有顯示錯誤。 – TheDream



問題是頁腳。 CSS被搞砸了,所以以某種方式重疊在按鈕的頂部。