2009-12-05 55 views

我目前正在爲我的客戶的旅遊網站,他們需要一個CMS,以便他們可以添加酒店和目的地,也更新他們的網站輕鬆。問題類別和結構模塊 - Expressionengine


1. Home page 
This page currently pulls out destination information and a section of hotels that change on the refresh of the page. 

2. Destination listing page one 
    This page will show the countries in this specific destination so for example: if the destination is the Caribbean it’ll list out the countries that my client sells hotels for, sorted by rating so if a hotel is rated 5 stars it’ll appear near the top of the listings. The countries are setup as categories and are unique to the listing pages, the categories contain a brief description of that country and an image that will link to the hotel list page displaying the hotels in that country. 

    2b. Hotel list 
     This page will contain the list of hotels that are on sale in the specific country. 

     2c. Hotel description page 
     This page contains pictures and information about the selected hotel. 

3. Destination listing page two 

    3b. Hotel list 

     3c. Hotel description page 

This section has the same concept as the first destination listing section above except the information is unique to its destination. (obviously) 



其次,我已經下載並安裝了結構模塊,因爲我認爲這將有助於我的客戶直觀地瞭解該網站的結構(原諒雙關語),並添加酒店和其他網頁和內容甚至比它更容易已經是,不僅如此,而且還有一個自動更新的菜單和站點地圖。我已經閱讀了文檔,並嘗試過使用其中的一些功能 - 例如列表功能。我認爲這可能是一種更好的方式來列出和組織我的國家,而不是使用類別或標籤,但是這樣做還是會讓事情難以維護和跟蹤?因爲目前如果我的客戶想要編輯某個酒店,他們只需從編輯菜單中選擇它,並更改該帖子中的所有信息,那麼使用結構方法會使它更尷尬?





你有沒有進展? – 2010-01-19 04:24:52



做一個博客的酒店,然後用普拉亞模塊涉及的酒店結構的頁面。 (我知道這個答案有點遲,這個網站可能已經很久了......)


是的,我也會在這種情況下選擇Playa – 2012-11-08 21:09:55