pss = input("Enter a password")
symb = ["!","£","$","%","^","&"]
num = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]
done = 0#to break symbol check
done2 = 0#break num check
check = 0#keep track of things correct
found = False
while found == False:
#checks for a symbol in the password
for ch in pss:
done = done + 1
if ch in symb:
check = check + 1
elif done == len(pss):#done , only to say once
print("Add a symbol to your password")
#checks for number in password
for ch in pss:
done2 = done2 + 1
if ch in num:
check = check + 1
elif done2==len(pss):
print("Add a number to your password")
#capital letter check
if pss == pss.lower():
print("You need to have at least one capital letter")
check = check + 1
if check == 3:
print("Password Validated")
found = True
pss = input("Correct you password")#re enters password
check = 0
#need to make pss update correctly
你永遠不會重置'done'和'done2'變量。 –