以下是我使用的嘗試在IIS 6中創建一個虛擬目錄中的條目:如何使用cscript和vbs參數從Inno Setup腳本調用vbs腳本?
Filename: {tmp}\cscript.exe mkvirtdir.vbs; Parameters: "-c LocalHost -w ""Default Web Site"" -v ""ectUpload_Server""", {app},""ectUpload_Server"""; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: Creating IIS Virtual Directory"
Unable to execute file cscript.exe mkvirtdir.vbs ... CreateProcess failed; code 2. The system cannot find the file specified.
'文件名:{tmp} \ create.vbs;參數:「」「{reg:HKLM \ Software \ My Program,Path | {pf} \ My Program}」「」「{app} \ myprog.exe」「」;標誌:shellexec' - 這工作 – YumYumYum 2014-07-07 13:10:41
這也適用於我的情況:'Filename:{tmp} \ create.vbs;標誌:shellexec' – YumYumYum 2014-07-07 13:11:49