window.onload = function() {
test_func("horizontal"); // First Execution context
test_func("vertical"); // Second Execution Context
function test_func(dir) {
var X = 9; // variable which helps to track the execution contexts
if(dir === "horizontal")
X = 1; // leave at 9 if vertical
mouseup_vert = function() {}
mouseup_horiz = function() {
// Here the value of X I am getting is 9 whereas I am expecting 11
// QUESTION: Why I am getting the second execution context??
mousedown_vert = function() {
// As expected the value of X here is 9
// set X to 99 to check if during mouseup same exec context is picked
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup_vert, false);
mousedown_horiz = function() {
// As expected value of X is 1, so using first execution context
// set this to check if during mouseup I get a value of 11
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup_horiz, false);
if (dir === "horizontal") {
e = document.getElementById("horiz");
e.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedown_horiz, false);
} else {
e = document.getElementById("vert");
e.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedown_vert, false);
沒錯。這些「mouseup_foo」變量都是全局的。他們必須用`var`關鍵字聲明!此外,從事件處理程序內部設置事件處理程序無論如何都將是一個大問題。 – Pointy 2011-02-12 14:25:16