我的代碼現在看起來像這樣: 的孩子代碼:
let touchable;
if (View.forceTouchAvailable === false) { // if 3d touch is disabled
// just use a Touchable and all should be fine.
touchable = (<TouchableHighlight
onPress={() => {console.log('hello world');}
} else { // Otherwise if 3D touch is enabled
// we'll have to use a child view WITH a PanResponder
touchable = (<View
style={[this.props.style, {
backgroundColor: this.state.panViewIsTapped ?
return (<View {...this.panResponderParent.panHandlers}>
<View style={{ position: 'absolute' }}>
this.panResponderChild = PanResponder.create({
// true because we want tapping on this to set it as the responder
onStartShouldSetPanResponder:() => true,
// true because we want this to capture the responder lock from it's parent on start
onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture:() => true,
// when the pan responder lock is terminated, set the pan view as NOT tapped
onPanResponderTerminate:() => {
this.setState({ panViewIsTapped: false });
// true so that the parent can grab our responder lock if he wan'ts to.
onPanResponderTerminationRequest:() => true,
// false because we DON'T want this btn capturing the resp lock from it's parent on move
onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture:() => false,
// false because we DON'T want moving the finger on this to set it as the responder
onMoveShouldSetPanResponder:() => false,
onPanResponderGrant:() => {
this.setState({ panViewIsTapped: true });
onPanResponderRelease:() => {
this.setState({ panViewIsTapped: false });
console.log('hello world');
this.panResponderParent = PanResponder.create({
// true because we want tapping on the cal, to set it as a responder
onStartShouldSetPanResponder:() => true,
// false because we DON'T want to grab the responder lock from our children on start
onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture:() => false,
false because we don't want to accidentally grab the responder lock from
our children on movement.
That's because sometimes even a small tap contains movement,
and thus a big percentage of taps will not work.
Keeping that flag false does not nessecarily mean that our children will
always capture the responder lock on movement, (they can if they want),
we're just not strict enough to grab it from them.
onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture:() => false,
We DO want moving the finter on the cal, to set it as a responder,
BUT, we don't always want moving the finger on an appointment setting this parent
as the responder.
So, when the dx AND dy of the pan are 0, we return false, because we don't
want to grab the responder from our appointment children.
For anything other than that we just allow this parent to become the responder.
(dx, dy: accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started)
onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState) =>
!(gestureState.dx === 0 || gestureState.dy === 0),
這似乎並沒有解決我的問題。當然,我需要在具有3D觸摸的設備上進行測試,但在非3D觸摸設備上,我可以看到,'onMoveShouldSetPanResponder'根本不會被調用,因爲點擊'TouchableHighlight'時,因此沒有必要在其中添加代碼。 ! 只有當我在屏幕上拖動/移動手指而不是單擊時,纔會調用此函數。 任何想法? – SudoPlz
此變通辦法解決了僅在3d設備上觸發的問題。我不能保證它會起作用,但我認爲你應該嘗試一下! – jevakallio