2015-10-19 62 views


[__init__.py:42] - staticfiles_storage couldn't find path css/cms-style-vendor-tinymce-content.css: The file 'css/cms-style-vendor-tinymce-content.css' could not be found with <cms.lib.django_require.staticstorage.OptimizedCachedRequireJsStorage object at 0x8c1b950>. 
[__init__.py:42] - staticfiles_storage couldn't find path css/cms-style-vendor.css: The file 'css/cms-style-vendor.css' could not be found with <cms.lib.django_require.staticstorage.OptimizedCachedRequireJsStorage object at 0x8c1b950>. 
[__init__.py:42] - staticfiles_storage couldn't find path css/studio-main.css: The file 'css/studio-main.css' could not be found with <cms.lib.django_require.staticstorage.OptimizedCachedRequireJsStorage object at 0x8c1b950>. 
[shortcuts.py:56] - Cannot find corresponding link for name: ROOT 
[shortcuts.py:56] - Cannot find corresponding link for name: TOS 
[shortcuts.py:56] - Cannot find corresponding link for name: PRIVACY 

==================================== =============================


sudo -H -u edxapp bash 
source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env 
cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform 
paver update_assets cms --settings=aws 
paver update_assets lms --settings=aws 

python manage.py cms --settings=aws collectstatic --noinput 
python manage.py lms --settings=aws collectstatic --noinput 

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp: 
sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp_worker: 

你做了'collectstatic'? – frank


我這樣做: 須藤-H -u edxapp慶典 源/ EDX /應用/ edxapp/edxapp_env CD/EDX /應用/ edxapp/EDX-平臺 攤鋪機update_assets CMS --settings = AWS 攤鋪機update_assets LMS - 設置= aws –


正常update_assets將執行collectstatic,但仍然試試這個, ./manage.py cms --settings = aws collectstatic --noinput ./manage.py lms --settings = aws collectstatic --noinput – frank




sudo -H -u edxapp bash 

    source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env 

    cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform 

    python manage.py cms --settings=aws collectstatic --noinput 

    python manage.py lms --settings=aws collectstatic --noinput 
sudo -H -u edxapp bash 
source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env 
cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform 
paver update_assets cms --settings=aws 
paver update_assets lms --settings=aws 

python manage.py cms --settings=aws collectstatic --noinput 
python manage.py lms --settings=aws collectstatic --noinput 

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp: 
sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp_worker: