2014-01-24 103 views



'use strict'; 
var util = require('util'); 
var path = require('path'); 
var yeoman = require('yeoman-generator'); 

var TestGenerator = module.exports = function TestGenerator(args, options, config) { 
    yeoman.generators.Base.apply(this, arguments); 

    this.on('end', function() { 
    this.installDependencies({ skipInstall: options['skip-install'] }); 

    this.pkg = JSON.parse(this.readFileAsString(path.join(__dirname, '../package.json'))); 

util.inherits(TestGenerator, yeoman.generators.Base); 

TestGenerator.prototype.askFor = function askFor() { 
    var cb = this.async(); 

    // have Yeoman greet the user. 

    var prompts = [{ 
    type: 'input', 
    name: 'projectName', 
    message: 'What would you like to name this project?' 

    this.prompt(prompts, function (props) { 
    this.projectName = props.projectName; 


TestGenerator.prototype.projectfiles = function projectfiles() { 
    this.copy('_package.json', 'package.json'); 
    this.copy('_bower.json', 'bower.json'); 
    this.copy('bowerrc', '.bowerrc'); 
    this.copy('jshintrc', '.jshintrc'); 
    this.copy('editorconfig', '.editorconfig'); 

TestGenerator.prototype.writeIndex = function writeIndex() { 
    this.indexFile = this.readFileAsString(path.join(this.sourceRoot(), 'index.slim')); 
    this.indexFile = this.engine(this.indexFile, this); 

    this.indexFile = this.appendFiles({ 
    html: this.indexFile, 
    fileType: 'js', 
    optimizedPath: 'scripts/main.js', 
    sourceFileList: ['scripts/main.js'], 
    searchPath: '{app,.tmp}' 

TestGenerator.prototype.app = function app() { 

    this.copy('main.scss', 'app/styles/main.scss'); 
    this.copy('main.js', 'app/scripts/main.js'); 
    // this.copy('test.slim', 'app/test.slim'); 

    this.write('app/index.html', this.indexFile); 


// Generated on <%= (new Date).toISOString().split('T')[0] %> using <%= pkg.name %> <%= pkg.version %> 
'use strict'; 

// # Globbing 
// for performance reasons we're only matching one level down: 
// 'test/spec/{,*/}*.js' 
// use this if you want to recursively match all subfolders: 
// 'test/spec/**/*.js' 

module.exports = function (grunt) { 

    // Load grunt tasks automatically 

    // Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times 

    // Define the configuration for all the tasks 

     // Project settings 
     yeoman: { 
      // Configurable paths 
      app: 'app', 
      dist: 'dist' 

     // Watches files for changes and runs tasks based on the changed files 
     watch: { 
      js: { 
       files: ['<%%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'], 
       tasks: ['jshint'], 
       options: { 
        livereload: true 
      jstest: { 
       files: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.js'], 
       tasks: ['test:watch'] 
      gruntfile: { 
       files: ['Gruntfile.js'] 
      compass: { 
       files: ['<%%= yeoman.app %>/styles/{,*/}*.{scss,sass}'], 
       tasks: ['compass:server', 'autoprefixer'] 
      styles: { 
       files: ['<%%= yeoman.app %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'], 
       tasks: ['newer:copy:styles', 'autoprefixer'] 
      livereload: { 
       options: { 
        livereload: '<%%= connect.options.livereload %>' 
       files: [ 
        '<%%= yeoman.app %>/{,*/}*.html', 
        '<%%= yeoman.app %>/images/{,*/}*.{gif,jpeg,jpg,png,svg,webp}' 

     // The actual grunt server settings 
     connect: { 
      options: { 
       port: 9000, 
       livereload: 35729, 
       // Change this to '' to access the server from outside 
       hostname: 'localhost' 
      livereload: { 
       options: { 
        open: true, 
        base: [ 
         '<%%= yeoman.app %>' 
      test: { 
       options: { 
        port: 9001, 
        base: [ 
         '<%%= yeoman.app %>' 
      dist: { 
       options: { 
        open: true, 
        base: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>', 
        livereload: false 

     // Empties folders to start fresh 
     clean: { 
      dist: { 
       files: [{ 
        dot: true, 
        src: [ 
         '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/*', 
         '!<%%= yeoman.dist %>/.git*' 
      server: '.tmp' 

     // Make sure code styles are up to par and there are no obvious mistakes 
     jshint: { 
      options: { 
       jshintrc: '.jshintrc', 
       reporter: require('jshint-stylish') 
      all: [ 
       '<%%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js', 
       '!<%%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/vendor/*', 

     // Compiles Sass to CSS and generates necessary files if requested 
     compass: { 
      options: { 
       sassDir: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/styles', 
       cssDir: '.tmp/styles', 
       generatedImagesDir: '.tmp/images/generated', 
       imagesDir: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/images', 
       javascriptsDir: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/scripts', 
       fontsDir: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/styles/fonts', 
       importPath: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components', 
       httpImagesPath: '/images', 
       httpGeneratedImagesPath: '/images/generated', 
       httpFontsPath: '/styles/fonts', 
       relativeAssets: false, 
       assetCacheBuster: false 
      dist: { 
       options: { 
        generatedImagesDir: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/images/generated' 
      server: { 
       options: { 
        debugInfo: true 

     // Add vendor prefixed styles 
     autoprefixer: { 
      options: { 
       browsers: ['last 1 version'] 
      dist: { 
       files: [{ 
        expand: true, 
        cwd: '.tmp/styles/', 
        src: '{,*/}*.css', 
        dest: '.tmp/styles/' 

     // Automatically inject Bower components into the HTML file 
     'bower-install': { 
      app: { 
       html: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/index.html', 
       ignorePath: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/' 

     // Renames files for browser caching purposes 
     rev: { 
      dist: { 
       files: { 
        src: [ 
         '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js', 
         '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css', 
         '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/images/{,*/}*.{gif,jpeg,jpg,png,webp}', 
         '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/fonts/{,*/}*.*' 

     // Reads HTML for usemin blocks to enable smart builds that automatically 
     // concat, minify and revision files. Creates configurations in memory so 
     // additional tasks can operate on them 
     useminPrepare: { 
      options: { 
       dest: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>' 
      html: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/index.html' 

     // Performs rewrites based on rev and the useminPrepare configuration 
     usemin: { 
      options: { 
       assetsDirs: ['<%%= yeoman.dist %>'] 
      html: ['<%%= yeoman.dist %>/{,*/}*.html'], 
      css: ['<%%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'] 

     // The following *-min tasks produce minified files in the dist folder 
     imagemin: { 
      dist: { 
       files: [{ 
        expand: true, 
        cwd: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/images', 
        src: '{,*/}*.{gif,jpeg,jpg,png}', 
        dest: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/images' 
     svgmin: { 
      dist: { 
       files: [{ 
        expand: true, 
        cwd: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/images', 
        src: '{,*/}*.svg', 
        dest: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/images' 
     htmlmin: { 
      dist: { 
       options: { 
        collapseBooleanAttributes: true, 
        collapseWhitespace: true, 
        removeAttributeQuotes: true, 
        removeCommentsFromCDATA: true, 
        removeEmptyAttributes: true, 
        removeOptionalTags: true, 
        removeRedundantAttributes: true, 
        useShortDoctype: true 
       files: [{ 
        expand: true, 
        cwd: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>', 
        src: '{,*/}*.html', 
        dest: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>' 

     // By default, your `index.html`'s <!-- Usemin block --> will take care of 
     // minification. These next options are pre-configured if you do not wish 
     // to use the Usemin blocks. 
     // cssmin: { 
     //  dist: { 
     //   files: { 
     //    '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.css': [ 
     //     '.tmp/styles/{,*/}*.css', 
     //     '<%%= yeoman.app %>/styles/{,*/}*.css' 
     //    ] 
     //   } 
     //  } 
     // }, 
     // uglify: { 
     //  dist: { 
     //   files: { 
     //    '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js': [ 
     //     '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js' 
     //    ] 
     //   } 
     //  } 
     // }, 
     // concat: { 
     //  dist: {} 
     // }, 

     // Copies remaining files to places other tasks can use 
     copy: { 
      dist: { 
       files: [{ 
        expand: true, 
        dot: true, 
        cwd: '<%%= yeoman.app %>', 
        dest: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>', 
        src: [ 
      styles: { 
       expand: true, 
       dot: true, 
       cwd: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/styles', 
       dest: '.tmp/styles/', 
       src: '{,*/}*.css' 

     // Generates a custom Modernizr build that includes only the tests you 
     // reference in your app 
     modernizr: { 
      devFile: '<%%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/modernizr/modernizr.js', 
      outputFile: '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/bower_components/modernizr/modernizr.js', 
      files: [ 
       '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js', 
       '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css', 
       '!<%%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/vendor/*' 
      uglify: true 

     // Run some tasks in parallel to speed up build process 
     concurrent: { 
      server: [ 
      test: [ 
      dist: [ 

     slim: { 
     dist: { 
       options: { 
        pretty: true 
     files: { 
      'app/test.html': 'app/templates/test.slim' 


    grunt.registerTask('serve', function (target) { 
     if (target === 'dist') { 
      return grunt.task.run(['build', 'connect:dist:keepalive']); 


    grunt.registerTask('server', function (target) { 
     grunt.log.warn('The `server` task has been deprecated. Use `grunt serve` to start a server.'); 

     if (target) { 
      grunt.task.run(['serve:' + target]); 
     else { 

    grunt.registerTask('test', function(target) { 
     if (target !== 'watch') { 


    grunt.registerTask('build', [ 

    grunt.registerTask('default', [ 


    meta charset="utf-8" 
    meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" 
    title <%= _.capitalize(projectName) %> 

    link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bower-foundation/css/normalize.css" 
    link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bower-foundation/css/foundation.css" 
    // build:css(.tmp) styles/main.css 
    link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css" 
    // endbuild 
    script src="bower_components/modernizr/modernizr.js" 

    div.container Hello 
     p there 

    // build:js scripts/vendor.js 
    // bower:js 
    script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.js" 
    // endbower 
    // endbuild 


    "name": "<%= _.slugify(projectName) %>", 
    "version": "0.0.0", 
    "dependencies": {}, 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.4.1", 
     "grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.3.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-compass": "~0.7.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.7.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.7.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.5.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.5.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-htmlmin": "~0.1.3", 
     "grunt-bower-install": "~0.7.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-imagemin": "~0.2.0", 
     "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.2", 
     "grunt-rev": "~0.1.0", 
     "grunt-autoprefixer": "~0.5.0", 
     "grunt-usemin": "~2.0.0", 
     "grunt-modernizr": "~0.4.0", 
     "grunt-newer": "~0.6.0", 
     "grunt-svgmin": "~0.2.0", 
     "grunt-slim": "~0.1.0", 
     "grunt-concurrent": "~0.4.0", 
     "load-grunt-tasks": "~0.2.0", 
     "time-grunt": "~0.2.0", 
     "jshint-stylish": "~0.1.3" 
    "engines": { 
    "node": ">=0.8.0" 


    "name": "<%= _.slugify(projectName) %>", 
    "version": "0.0.0", 
    "dependencies": { 
    "bower-foundation": ">= 4.0.0", 
    "modernizr": "~2.6.2" 





繁重的超薄任務取決於寶石和寶石渺茫。首先,確保已安裝了ruby(在終端中輸入ruby -v),然後安裝超薄寶石(在終端中輸入gem install slim)。

要使用Grunt,您需要在項目的根目錄下創建2個文件目錄 - 一個'package.json'文件,用於存儲關於該項目的元數據以及一個用於加載Grunt插件和配置任務的'Gruntfile.js'。

'package.json'文件很簡單 - 在終端中輸入npm init並回答出現的問題。要安裝Grunt插件並將它們輸入到'package.json'文件中,請在終端中輸入npm install <package name> --save-dev


npm init 
npm install grunt --save-dev 
npm install grunt-slim --save-dev 


module.exports = function(grunt) { 
    // configure the tasks 
    slim: { // the task name 
     dist: { // a specific target for the task - it could be called anything 
     files: { 
      'index.html': 'index.slim' // a dictionary that maps 'destination': 'source' 

    grunt.registerTask('default', ['slim']); 

現在嘗試建立在你的項目的根的「index.slim」文件,並在終端中輸入命令grunt ...它應該編譯成HTML。

有關於與文件繁重的網站上工作(所以你可以做更復雜的事情不是我做了什麼)一些有用的信息: http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks#files

這裏是寫一個構建腳本與咕嚕明確的教程: http://www.sitepoint.com/writing-awesome-build-script-grunt/

我希望有幫助。如果您對Yeoman Jade發電機感興趣,Yeoman社區發電機網站上有一個工作得很好。

編輯---- 我在Grunt命令行界面安裝的假設下寫了這個。它作爲Yeoman的一個組件安裝,或單獨使用npm install -g grunt-cli
