2016-11-04 45 views


Allow checkout only when a product of a mandatory category is in cart




// Function that define the mandatory product category 
     function your_mandatory_category_slug(){ 
     // DEFINE HERE the SLUG of the needed product category 
      $category = 'cxsuite-download-option'; 
      return $category; 

     function your_mandatory_category_slug_h(){ 

      // DEFINE HERE the SLUG of the needed product category 
      $category_h = 'cxsuite-hosted-option'; 
      return $category_h; 
    // Conditional function that returns true if the mandatory product category is in cart 
    function has_mandatory_category(){ 
     $category_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug(); 
     $category_needed_h = your_mandatory_category_slug_h(); 
     $has_cat = false; 

     // Iterrating each item in cart and detecting… 
     foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $item) { 

      // Detects if the needed product category is in cart items 
      if (has_term($category_needed, 'product_cat', $item['product_id'])) { 
       $has_cat = true; 
      elseif (has_term($category_needed_h, 'product_cat', $item['product_id'])) { 
       $has_cat = true; 
     return $has_cat; 
// Function that display a message if there is not in cart a mandatory product category 
function mandatory_category_display_message() { 
     $category_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug(); 
     $category_needed_h = your_mandatory_category_slug_h(); 

    // check that cart is not empty (for cart and product category archives) 
    if(!WC()->cart->is_empty() && (is_cart() || is_product_category($category_needed) || is_product_category($category_needed_h))){ 
     $category_obj = get_term_by('slug', $category_needed_single, 'product_cat'); 

     if (is_wp_error($category_obj)) return; 

     // Display message when product category is not in cart items 
     if (!has_mandatory_category()) { 
      $category_name = $category_obj->name; 
      $category_url = get_term_link($category_needed_single, 'product_cat'); 

      // render a notice to explain why checkout is blocked 
      wc_add_notice(sprintf(__('<strong>Reminder:</strong> You have chosen Addon that can only be purchased together with a %1$s. Please add a %1$s (full or trial) before checking out. Please return <a href="%2$s"> here to "%1$s" product page</a>', 'your_theme_domain'), $category_name, $category_url), 'error'); 


add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content', 'mandatory_category_display_message', 30); // for product mandatory category archives pages 
add_action('woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'mandatory_category_display_message'); // for cat page 

// Function that redirect from checkout to mandatory product category archives pages 
function mandatory_category_checkout_redirect() { 

    // If cart is not empty on checkout page 
    if(!WC()->cart->is_empty() && is_checkout()){ 
     $category_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug(); 
     $category_needed_h = your_mandatory_category_slug_h(); 

     // If missing product category => redirect to the products category page 
     if (!has_mandatory_category()) 
      wp_redirect(get_term_link($category_needed_single, 'product_cat')); 

add_action('template_redirect', 'mandatory_category_checkout_redirect'); 




// Function that define the mandatory product category 
function your_mandatory_category_slug(){ 
// DEFINE HERE the 2 SLUGs of the needed product categories 
    $categories = array('cxsuite-download-option','cxsuite-hosted-option'); 
    return $categories 

// Conditional function that returns true if the mandatory products categories are in cart 
function has_mandatory_category(){ 
    $categories_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug(); 
    $has_cat = false; 

    // Iterrating each item in cart and detecting… 
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $item) { 

     // iterating both categories 
     foreach ($categories_needed as $category_needed) { 

      // Detects if one of the needed product categories is in cart items 
      if (has_term($category_needed, 'product_cat', $item['product_id'])) 
       $has_cat = true; 
    return $has_cat; 

// Function that display a message if there is not in cart a mandatory product category 
function mandatory_category_display_message() { 
    $categories_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug(); 

    // check that cart is not empty (for cart and product category archives) 
    if(!WC()->cart->is_empty() && (is_cart() || is_product_category($categories_needed[0] || is_product_category($categories_needed[1]))){ 
     $category_name = array(); 
     $category_url = array(); 

     // iterating both categories 
     foreach($categories_needed as $key => $category_needed){ 
      $category_obj = get_term_by('slug', $category_needed, 'product_cat'); 
      if (is_wp_error($category_obj)) 

      $category_name[$key] = $category_obj->name; 
      $category_url[$key] = get_term_link($category_needed, 'product_cat'); 
     // Display message when one of the product categories is not in cart items 
     if (!has_mandatory_category()) { 
      // render a notice to explain why checkout is blocked 
      wc_add_notice(sprintf(__('<strong>Reminder:</strong> You have to add in your cart, a product from "%1$s" or from "%3$s" category, to be allowed to check out. Please return <a href="%2$s"> here to "%1$s"</a> or <a href="%4$s"> here to "%3$s"</a> product pages', 'your_theme_domain'), $category_name[0], $category_url[0], $category_name[1], $category_url[1]), 'error'); 
add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content', 'mandatory_category_display_message', 30); // for product mandatory category archives pages 
add_action('woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'mandatory_category_display_message'); // for cart page 


// Function that redirect from checkout to mandatory product category archives pages 
function mandatory_category_checkout_redirect() { 

    // If cart is not empty on checkout page 
    if(!WC()->cart->is_empty() && is_checkout()){ 
     $categories_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug(); 

     // If missing product category => redirect to the products category page 
     if (!has_mandatory_category()) 
      wp_redirect(get_term_link($categories_needed[0], 'product_cat')); // or $categories_needed[1] 
add_action('template_redirect', 'mandatory_category_checkout_redirect'); 


Allow checkout only when a product of a mandatory category is in cart



感謝喜又做很好的工作,但在最後的函數,我改變重定向回如果他不能有一個或另一個選擇,我會認爲更好的解決方案是去商店頁面。再次感謝。 –
