2013-04-10 64 views

我在perl(5.12 ActiveState)中使用線程來允許在Windows上的兩個不同COM端口上進行並行和異步寫入。這就是我的代碼的樣子:當Perl線程退出時,串口處理程序錯誤


use warnings; 
use strict; 
use Win32::SerialPort; 
use threads; 

my $ComPortObj = new Win32::SerialPort ("COM10") or die ("This is the bitter end..."); 
[... omit port settings ...] 

my $ComPortObj2 = new Win32::SerialPort ("COM6") or die ("This is the bitter end..."); 
[... omit port settings ...]  

my $s_read = ""; 

my $HangupThr = async 
    # printf("THREAD - Wait 3 seconds\n"); 
    # sleep(3); 
    print("THREAD - write on COM10: AT\n"); 
    $ComPortObj->write("AT\r") || die ("Unable to send command\n"); 
    printf("THREAD - Wait 1 second\n"); 
    $s_read = $ComPortObj2->input; 
    # $s_read =~ s/\n/N/g; 
    # $s_read =~ s/\r/R/g; 
    print("THREAD - read from COM6: $s_read\n"); 
    return 1; 


# printf("MAIN - Wait 4 seconds\n"); 
# sleep(4); 
print("MAIN - write on COM6: AT\n"); 
$ComPortObj2->write("AT\r") || die ("Unable to send command\n"); 
printf("MAIN - Wait 1 second\n"); 
$s_read = $ComPortObj->input; 
# $s_read =~ s/\n/N/g; 
# $s_read =~ s/\r/R/g; 
print("MAIN - read from COM10: $s_read\n"); 



MAIN - write on COM6: AT 
THREAD - write on COM10: AT 
MAIN - Wait 1 second 
THREAD - Wait 1 second 
MAIN - read from COM10: AT 

THREAD - read from COM6: AT 

Error in PurgeComm at C:\userdata\Perl scripts\src\handler_error.pl line 0 thread 1 
The operation completed successfully. 
Error in GetCommTimeouts at C:\userdata\Perl scripts\src\handler_error.pl line 0 thread 1 
Error Closing handle 184 for \\.\COM6 
The handle is invalid. 
Error closing Read Event handle 188 for \\.\COM6 
The handle is invalid. 
Error closing Write Event handle 192 for \\.\COM6 
The handle is invalid. 
Error in PurgeComm at C:\userdata\Perl scripts\src\handler_error.pl line 0 thread 1 
The handle is invalid. 
Error in GetCommTimeouts at C:\userdata\Perl scripts\src\handler_error.pl line 0 thread 1 
Error Closing handle 144 for \\.\COM10 
The handle is invalid. 
Error closing Read Event handle 148 for \\.\COM10 
The handle is invalid. 
Error closing Write Event handle 180 for \\.\COM10 
The handle is invalid. 







  1. 創建COM對象線程,使用它和訪問它在其他線程之前銷燬對象

我做了一些實驗,只有這樣,才能避免錯誤是在啓動線程之前關閉主程序中的所有com對象。實際上,錯誤與線程啓動時產生的重複com對象有關。請查看以下@pilcrow的評論以瞭解更多詳情。是的,一旦我沒有重複,我不得不正確地打開和關閉線程內的COM對象。 – 2013-04-15 15:21:38