/// <summary>The host to proxy requests through, or empty string to not use a proxy.</summary>
property ProxyHost: string read FProxyHost write FProxyHost;
/// <summary>The port on the proxy host to proxy requests through. Ignored if DSProxyHost isn't set.
/// </summary>
property ProxyPort: Integer read FProxyPort write FProxyPort default 8888;
/// <summary>The user name for authentication with the specified proxy.</summary>
property ProxyUsername: string read FProxyUsername write FProxyUsername;
/// <summary>The password for authentication with the specified proxy.</summary>
property ProxyPassword: string read FProxyPassword write FProxyPassword;
鏈接到文檔肯定會有所幫助。 –
@LURD,你要求什麼樣的文件? – Alex
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Berlin/en/Datasnap.DSCommon.TDSClientCallbackChannelManager_Properties –