從我的Silverlight/F#應用程序斷開連接後,我重新啓動並遇到了一個問題,我似乎無法解決問題。我有一個我的usercontrol的成員變量,它是一個列表ref,在按鈕單擊我想向它添加記錄 - 但它永遠不會更新。我非常肯定它與成爲會員有關,但我還沒有弄明白。會員列表ref未更新
member this.brokers = ref List.empty
// this line doesn't seem to work
this.brokers := candidate :: (!this.brokers)
type Page() as this =
inherit UriUserControl("/xyz;component/page.xaml", "page")
this.firm.ItemsSource <- RpcXYZ.getFirms()
this.email.Background <- SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
this.addBtn.IsEnabled <- false
// instance data
member this.brokers = ref List.empty
// bound controls for add candidate
member this.FE : FrameworkElement = (this.Content :?> FrameworkElement)
member this.fname : TextBox = this.FE ? fname
member this.lname : TextBox = this.FE ? lname
member this.email : TextBox = this.FE ? email
member this.firm : RadComboBox = this.FE ? firms
member this.addBtn : RadButton = this.FE ? addBtn
member this.addCadidate_Click (sender : obj) (args : RoutedEventArgs) =
let inline findFirm (f : RpcXYZ.firm) =
f.id = Int32.Parse(this.firm.SelectedValue.ToString())
let candidate : SalesRep = {
id = -1 ;
fname = this.fname.Text ;
lname = this.lname.Text ;
email = this.email.Text ;
phone = "" ;
firm = List.find findFirm <| RpcXYZ.getFirms();
score = None ;
// this line is fine t is a list of 1 item after 1 click
let t = candidate :: (!this.brokers)
// this line doesn't seem to work
this.brokers := candidate :: (!this.brokers)
ChildWindow().Show() |> ignore ;
member this.email_Changed (o : obj) (arg : TextChangedEventArgs) =
let txtBox = (o :?> TextBox)
let emailRegex = Regex("(\w[-._\w]*\[email protected]\w[-._\w]*\w\.\w{2,3})")
if emailRegex.IsMatch(txtBox.Text) = false then
txtBox.Background <- SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
this.addBtn.IsEnabled <- false
txtBox.Background <- new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White)
this.addBtn.IsEnabled <- true
好的帽子不是我想要的!已經做出了改變,謝謝 – akaphenom 2010-08-25 22:17:05