2013-05-06 47 views




你是什麼意思的「一條消息」? 短信?彩信?特定於應用的事件消息? – 2013-05-06 12:10:40


來自手機上的聯繫人的短信 – 2013-05-06 12:12:45


我可以看到爲什麼你會問這個問題,因爲它依賴於使用非文檔內容提供者('content:// sms /'),但是有很多例子可以說明如何要做到這一點 – 2013-05-06 12:19:00


//this class will hold our sms information 
public class Sms 
    public String Id; 
    public String Address; 
    public String Readstate; 
    public String Message; 
    public String Time; 

    public Sms(string id, string address, string message, string readstate, string time) 
     Id = id; 
     Address = address; 
     Message = message; 
     Readstate = readstate; 
     Time = time; 



//gets all sms messages in a specific folder in the user's sms messages 
public List<Sms> getAllSms(String folderName) 
    //initiate a new ArrayList to put our messages in 
    //ArrayLists are basically arrays on steroids (this is basic Java stuff) 
    List<Sms> lstSms = new ArrayList<Sms>(); 

    //The SMS object is somewhere in the Android SDK. 
    //your IDE should be able to resolve where to find it for you. 
    Sms objSms = new Sms(); 

    //find the SMS messages on the phone in the directory we want 
    //using android's content resolver 
    Uri message = Uri.parse("content://sms/"+folderName); 
    ContentResolver cr = mActivity.getContentResolver(); 

    //initiate a Cursor object that will help us iterate through the result set 
    Cursor c = cr.query(message, null, null, null, null); 
    int totalSMS = c.getCount(); 

    //if we can find a message in this result set: 
    if (c.moveToFirst()) { 
     //iterate through all the messages in our result set 
     for (int i = 0; i < totalSMS; i++) { 
      //retrieve the contents of this message and put them in "our" Sms object 
      objSms = new Sms(
       c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")), //retrieve Id, crash if Id cannot be found 
       c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("address")), //retreive address, crash if it cannot be found 
       c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("body")), //retreive message content, crash if it cannot be found 
       c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("read")), //retreive whether message is read or not 
       c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("date")) //retreive message date, crash if it cannot be found 
    //optionally, you can uncomment the following code to have error handling 
    //for empty sms folders: 
    // else { 
    // throw new RuntimeException("You have no SMS in " + folderName); 
    // } 

    //close the cursor and free up resources 

    //return the sms files we found in the directory 
    return lstSms; 


List<Sms> inboxMessages = getAllSms("inbox"); // Get all sms from inbox 
    List<Sms> sentMessages = getAllSms("sent"); // Get all sms from sent 

請注意,這些示例中的短信內容提供商沒有記錄。你的旅費可能會改變。 – 2013-05-06 12:19:25


我不完全確定上面的代碼是如何工作的(對於編程有點新穎),你可以試着解釋一下嗎? :) – 2013-05-06 12:25:16


此外,它看起來像它會發現所有的短信,但我正在尋找一種方法,讓用戶選擇他/她想要導入和使用在APP中的短信。 – 2013-05-06 12:27:25
