2013-02-01 178 views

我開始使用Mark Dotto的這個代碼(http://markdotto.com/2013/01/13/improved-terminal-hotness/)來讓我的終端更具性感。 我剛纔複製的代碼,而無需編輯它,所以在我.bash_profile我說:mac os x終端的怪異行爲

export PS1='\[\e[0:35m⌘\e[m \e[0:36m\w/\e[m \e[0:33m`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`\e[m\]' 

一切的工作,但有一個奇怪的事情:當我輸入3個字符以內,然後我打退格鍵,它刪除一切,甚至左側的信息(路徑和git分支)。 這可能是好的,但問題是,當我繼續打字後,我開始輸入的命令仍然在這裏(但隱藏)。 我想你不明白,所以我會盡量展現一些代碼:

# this is what my prompt looks like 
~/my/path/ (branch) | 

# I start typing a command 
~/my/path/ (branch) ls| 

# now I hit backspace once 

# everything is removed 
# but if I type something else then hit return 
git st| 

# it throws an error as the `l` from the previous command is still here 
-bash: lgit: command not found 





export PS1='\[\e[36m\]\w \[\e[33m\]`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /` \[\e[0m\]' 

(注:我獨自一人離開了git ... grep ... sed管道,只有編輯相關提示本身的部分。)

編輯 - 取出0:部件和顏色的實際工作。 (即\[\e[36m\]而不是\[\e[0:36m\]


  • \[\e[36m\] - 此塊設置前景文本顏色(淡藍色/ tealish)
  • \w - 當前工作目錄
  • \[\e[33m\] - 設置不同的文本顏色(黃色)
  • git ... grep ... sed - 檢索您當前的Git分支
  • \[\e[0m\] - 重置文本顏色爲白色,你不是在黃





⌘ ~/SVN-Precommit-Kitchen-Sink-Hook.git/ (master) _ 

我想問題是你想讓你的提示做什麼。 BASH提示可以嵌入一大堆轉義序列,這些序列可以完成各種在Kornshell中進行少量黑客入侵的整潔事情。

在命令行上輸入man bash,然後找到PROMPTING標題。你應該看到類似這樣的東西:

When executing interactively, bash displays the primary prompt PS1 when it is ready to read a com- 
    mand, and the secondary prompt PS2 when it needs more input to complete a command. Bash allows these 
    prompt strings to be customized by inserting a number of backslash-escaped special characters that 
    are decoded as follows: 
      \a  an ASCII bell character (07) 
      \d  the date in "Weekday Month Date" format (e.g., "Tue May 26") 
       the format is passed to strftime(3) and the result is inserted into the prompt string; 
       an empty format results in a locale-specific time representation. The braces are 
      \e  an ASCII escape character (033) 
      \h  the hostname up to the first `.' 
      \H  the hostname 
      \j  the number of jobs currently managed by the shell 
      \l  the basename of the shell's terminal device name 
      \n  newline 
      \r  carriage return 
      \s  the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following the final slash) 
      \t  the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format 
      \T  the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format 
      \@  the current time in 12-hour am/pm format 
      \A  the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format 
      \u  the username of the current user 
      \v  the version of bash (e.g., 2.00) 
      \V  the release of bash, version + patch level (e.g., 2.00.0) 
      \w  the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde 
      \W  the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde 
      \!  the history number of this command 
      \#  the command number of this command 
      \$  if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $ 
      \nnn the character corresponding to the octal number nnn 
      \\  a backslash 
      \[  begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could be used to embed a terminal 
       control sequence into the prompt 
      \]  end a sequence of non-printing characters 


PS1="\[email protected]\h:\w$ " 


[email protected]:~$ _ 



PS1="\$(date) \[email protected]\h:\w$ " 


Fri Feb 1 09:45:53 EST 2013 [email protected]:~ 


我建議你建立你自己該死的提示。如果你是一個git的用戶,並且你使用的命令行很舒服,那麼你可以自己做出一個很好的提示,讓它看起來像你想要的樣子。您可以使用\$(command)語法來包含每個新PS命令都執行的交互式命令。您可以使用ANSI escape codes對提示的不同部分進行着色,或者讓它們做很棒的事情。


$ echo "PS='\[email protected]\h:\w\$ " > prompt.sh 
$ chmod a+x prompt.sh 
$ . prompt.sh 



花式提示讓我想起像Talking Moose這樣的程序,這些程序在開始的幾分鐘內真的很酷,然後開始變得真的很煩人。


我接受了其他答案,因爲它解決了我的問題,但如果我能我會+1000您的答案。我已經使用了這個片段,因爲我不知道這是如何工作的,並且感謝你我現在做的!我基本上想要的是git分支,所以我一定會在稍後做出自己的提示以刪除無用的部分。再次感謝! – romainberger


我總是同意這個答案的結論。適應你的提示通常工作正常。根據我的經驗,只要您將顏色序列帶入其中,就會在提示中提到有關退格,歷史和換行符的奇怪行爲。我喜歡色彩繽紛的提示幾天,然後再次刪除顏色控制序列,現在bash再次正常工作。雖然着色「ll」輸出完全沒有問題。 –