2010-10-21 69 views


現在,我通過[[[AClass alloc] init] autorelease]分配對象,在主線程上保留實例副本,然後將另一個副本作爲NSArray的一部分傳入NSOperation。當我嘗試過的NSOperation類和ACLASS的屬性訪問一個內部數組列表對象進行迭代,調試器報告說ACLASS的實例對象的成員屬性的一個已經zombied,而有些則沒有。我看到的錯誤是:

-[CFString retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x5a8c6b0 
*** -[CFString _cfTypeID]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x5a8c6b0 
*** -[CFString _cfTypeID]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x5a8c6b0 



@interface AClass 
    NSString *myTitle; 
    NSString *myDescription; 

@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSString *myTitle; 
@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSString *myDescription; 


@implementation AClass 
@synthesize myTitle, myDescription; 
- (void)dealloc 
    [myTitle release]; 
    [myDescription release]; 



下面是一個有效的,「線程安全」 ACLASS的版本更新的片段:

    AClass is an immutable container: 
     - category methods must never change the state of AClass 
@interface AClass : NSObject <NSCopying> 
    NSString * title; 
    NSString * description; 
    subclassing notes: 
    - do not override properties: title, description 
    - implement @protocol NSCopying 

1) document copy on entry here, even though the compiler has no 
     additional work to do. 
2) nonatomic in this case - these ivars initialized and never mutate. 
3) readonly because they are readonly 
@property (copy, readonly, nonatomic) NSString * title; 
@property (copy, readonly, nonatomic) NSString * description; 

/* prohibited: */ 
- (id)init; 

/* designated initializer */ 
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)inTitle description:(NSString *)inDescription; 


@implementation AClass 

@synthesize title; 
@synthesize description; 

- (id)init 
    assert(0 && "use the designated initializer"); 
    self = [super init]; 
    [self release]; 
    return 0; 

- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)inTitle description:(NSString *)inDescription 
    self = [super init]; 
    assert(self && "uh oh, NSObject returned 0"); 

    if (0 != self) { 

     if (0 == inTitle || 0 == inDescription) { 
      assert(inTitle && inDescription && "AClass: invalid argument"); 
      [self release]; 
      return 0; 
      /* this would catch a zombie, if you were given one */ 
     title = [inTitle copy]; 
     description = [inDescription copy]; 

     if (0 == title || 0 == description) { 
      assert(title && description && "string failed to copy"); 
      [self release]; 
      return 0; 

    return self; 

- (void)dealloc 
    /* which could also happen when if your init fails, but the assertion in init will be hit first */ 
    assert(title && description && "my ivars are not meant to be modified"); 

    [title release], title = 0; 
    [description release], description = 0; 

    /* don't forget to call through super at the end */ 
    [super dealloc]; 

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone 
    assert(self.title == title && self.description == description && "the subclasser should not override the accessors"); 

    if ([self zone] == zone && [self class] == [AClass class]) { 
     this is one possible (optional) optimization: 
      - avoid using this approach if you don't entirely understand 
      all the outlined concepts of immutable containers and low 
      level memory management in Cocoa and just use the 
      implementation in 'else' 
     return [self retain]; 

    else { 
     return [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] initWithTitle:self.title description:self.description]; 





賈斯汀Galzic:所以基本上,複製 確保對象是本地的 主叫當實例共享 出上 NSOperations是線程上,他們是兩個 不同的實例?


爲例:AClass可以現在只需retain荷蘭國際集團的2串實施@protocol NSCopying。同樣,如果你知道AClass從不子類,你可以只是返回[self retain]當物體在同一NSZone分配。

一個可變字符串被傳遞給的 AClass初始化


如果你想要對象共享這些字符串,那麼這種方法是首選(在大多數情況下),因爲你(和所有使用AClass的客戶端)現在知道ivars永遠不會改變你的背後(他們指向的也是作爲字符串的內容)。當然,你仍然有能力在AClass的實現中改變titledescription指向的錯誤 - 這會破壞你建立的策略。如果你想改變AClass的成員,你必須使用鎖,@synchronized指令(或類似的東西) - 然後通常設置一些觀察回調,這樣可以保證你的類可以按預期工作。所有這些在大多數情況下都是不必要的,因爲上面的不可變接口在大多數情況下非常簡單。

回答你的問題:copy的調用不保證創建一個新的分配 - 它只是允許幾個保證傳播到客戶端,同時避免所有線程安全(和鎖定/同步)。

如果有一些情況下,你 確實需要多個類(在同一 線程)共享此對象嗎? 然後您將這個 對象的隱含副本,然後傳遞到 NSOperation?




1)(最佳)實施ACLASS @protocol NSCopying:上面添加- (id)copyWithZone:實施。

現在,客戶端可以免費使用copyretainAClass,因爲這對他們的需求最符合邏輯。 2)(壞)預計所有客戶端將保持其代碼是最新的,更改爲AClass,並根據需要使用copyretain。這是不現實的。它如果您的實施AClass需要更改,引入錯誤的好方法,因爲客戶端不會總是相應地更新他們的程序。有些人認爲這個對象在包中是私有的時候是可以接受的(例如,只有一個類使用並且看到它的接口)。

簡而言之,最好保持retaincopy的語義是可預測的 - 並且只需隱藏您的類中的所有實現細節,以便客戶的代碼永不中斷(或最小化)。



NSOperation子類的實現,我覺得最好的(在大多數情況下)到: - 創建一個對象,它提供它所需要的所有方面(例如,URL加載) - 如果有什麼需要了解操作的結果或使用數據,然後爲回調創建一個@protocol接口,並將成員添加到由NSOperation子類保留的操作子類中,並且禁止在該子類的生命週期中指向另一個對象NSOperation實例:

@protocol MONImageRenderCallbackProtocol 

/** ok, the operation succeeded */ 
- (void)imageRenderOperationSucceeded:(AClass *)inImageDescriptor image:(NSImage *)image; 

/** bummer. the image request failed. see the @a error */ 
- (void)imageRenderOperationFailed:(AClass *)inImageDescriptor withError:(NSError *)error; 


/* MONOperation: do not subclass, create one instance per render request */ 
@interface MONOperation : NSOperation 
    AClass * imageDescriptor; /* never change outside initialization/dealloc */ 
    NSObject<MONImageRenderCallbackProtocol>* callback; /* never change outside initialization/dealloc */ 
    BOOL downloadSucceeded; 
    NSError * error; 

/* designated initializer */ 
- (id)initWithImageDescriptor:(AClass *)inImageDescriptor callback:(NSObject<MONImageRenderCallbackProtocol>*)inCallback; 


@implementation MONOperation 

- (id)initWithImageDescriptor:(AClass *)inImageDescriptor callback:(NSObject<MONImageRenderCallbackProtocol>*)inCallback 
    self = [super init]; 
    if (0 != self) { 

     imageDescriptor = [inImageDescriptor copy]; 

     callback = [inCallback retain]; 

     downloadSucceeded = 0; 
     error = 0; 

     if (0 == imageDescriptor || 0 == callback) { 
      [self release]; 
      return 0; 
    return self; 

- (void)dealloc 
    [imageDescriptor release], imageDescriptor = 0; 
    [callback release], callback = 0; 
    [error release], error = 0; 

    [super dealloc]; 

@return an newly rendered NSImage, created based on self.imageDescriptor 
will set self.downloadSucceeded and self.error appropriately 
- (NSImage *)newImageFromImageDescriptor 
    NSImage * result = 0; 
    /* ... */ 
    return result; 

- (void)main 
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; 

    NSImage * image = [self newImageFromImageDescriptor]; 

    if (downloadSucceeded) { 
     assert(0 == error); 
     [callback imageRenderOperationSucceeded:imageDescriptor image:image]; 
     [image release], image = 0; 
    else { 
     assert(0 == image); 
     [callback imageRenderOperationFailed:imageDescriptor withError:error]; 

    [pool release], pool = 0; 


所以基本上,副本確保對象對調用者來說是本地的,而當實例是沙紅色到NSOperations所在的線程,它們是兩個不同的實例?如果在某些情況下您確實需要多個類(在同一個線程中)共享此對象,該怎麼辦?你會然後做一個這個對象的隱式副本,然後傳遞給NSOperation? – 2010-10-21 18:55:27


如果我想保留保留策略並在我的主線程中共享單個實例,那麼在AClass上執行深層副本並將副本傳遞到NSOperation類是否合適? – 2010-10-21 19:16:28


Galzic查看最新回覆 – justin 2010-10-21 21:15:12



