我遇到問題。早些時候,我發佈了一個類似的問題,我將要問哪個已經回答,可以在這裏找到相關背景ActiveRecord Count and SQL count do not match由於未知的OID被視爲字符串,ActiveRecord和SQL未返回相同結果的情況字符串
scope :unverified_with_no_associations, -> {
find_by_sql("SELECT DISTINCT(accounts.id, accounts.email) FROM accounts WHERE level = 0 AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM verifications) AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM positions) AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM edits) AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM posts) AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM reviews) AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(sender_id) FROM kudos) AND id NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM stacks WHERE account_id IS NOT NULL)")
這將返回[#<Account:0x007f96bf143c70 id: >]
和我的SQL輸出後,得到這個消息unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'row'. It will be treated as String.
(1234,[email protected])
什麼原因導致這種不匹配,我該如何避免它。我發現這篇文章關於自定義postgres類型Custom postgres types,但這看起來像我需要到事情的本質,我想避免這種情況。有人知道爲什麼這是一個問題嗎?
重寫您的範圍感謝rootatdarkstar。阿雷爾做到了。 –