我試圖通過運行以下命令建立一個碼頭工人形象:解決錯誤:安裝mysql2(0.4.5)時發生錯誤,並且Bundler無法繼續。確保`創業板安裝mysql2 -v「0.4.5'`
docker build -t user:repository .
An error occurred while installing mysql2 (0.4.5), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install mysql2 -v '0.4.5'` succeeds before bundling.
The command '/bin/sh -c /bin/bash -l -c "gem install bundler && bundle install"' returned a non-zero code: 5
創業板安裝mysql2 -v「0.4.5'`
錯誤:無法找到有效的寶石 'mysql2'(= 0.4.5),這是爲什麼: 無法從https://rubygems.org/下載數據 - 所以SSL_connect返回= 1個錯誤號= 0狀態=讀的SSLv3服務器證書B:證書驗證失敗(https://api.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)
無法找到有效的寶石「C:RubyGems的-最新情況: 2.6.7.gem'(> = 0)在任何存儲庫中
Could not verify the SSL certificate for https://rubygems.org/.
There is a chance you are experiencing a man-in-the-middle attack, but most likely your system doesn't have the CA certificates needed for verification. For information about
OpenSSL certificates, see. To connect without using SSL, edit your Gemfile sources and change 'https' to 'http'.
@ Ronan Lopes我得到一個無法驗證https://rubygems.org/的SSL證書。 您有可能遇到中間人攻擊,但您的系統很可能沒有驗證所需的CA證書。有關 OpenSSL證書的信息,請參閱。要在不使用SSL的情況下進行連接,請編輯您的Gemfile來源並將「https」更改爲「http」。 – jshaf