2012-06-11 20 views

我有在這個問題上我Win XP專業版開發機器。我的應用程序在虛擬目錄上。ASP.NET -The當前標識(機 ASPNET)沒有寫權限 'C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET 框架 V2.0.50727 臨時ASP.NET文件'

當前標識(計算機名\ ASPNET)沒有寫權限 'C:\ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \框架\ V2.0.50727 \臨時ASP.NET文件'。


1. Must Not Use Simple File Sharing. After Changing Settings, Pls Reboot. 

       Open your My Computer, the on menu, select Tool >> Folder Option the Select View Tab, 

       Uncheck Use Simple File Sharing 

    2 Adding User Permission 

      When you create virtual directory on IIS, the actual folder you used with it must have access permission 

      To do this, follow: 

      select the properties of your actual folder, then select Sharing Tab 
      select option Share This Folder 
      specify the ShareName (commonly folder name itself) 
      then select Security tab, you will see the Group and Username listed there. 
      to add ASPNET just click ADD 
      pop up window will appear "Select User or Group" 
      Click Advance and Click Find Now 
      All Users and Group will be listed there, try to find ASPNET and select OK 
      you will going to back on Security tab and select something like "RAD/ASPNET", under that you will see "Permission for ASP.NET" 
      for the last step, check Full Control under Allow Column, then OK 

3 I Have tried, the aspnet_regiis exe in the framework folder! 


更新: 我的硬盤是完全加密。它有什麼影響?


我面臨同樣的問題,請訪問此http://stackoverflow.com/a/9187636/1054978它解決了我的問題。 – Mourya




嘗試去C:\ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \臨時ASP.NET文件在一個文件Windows資源管理器中,並給予您的ASPNET和網絡帳戶的所有訪問權限。


我已經完成了。但我認爲筆記本電腦上的訪問策略每兩分鐘更換一次,因爲筆記本電腦由網絡專家控制。不管怎樣,謝謝。我已經排序了這個問題 –
