$ = require 'jquery'
addSpaces = (node, noSpace=true) ->
for child in ($ node).prop('childNodes')
# nodeType of 3 means a text node
if child.nodeType is 3
if child.textContent
child.textContent = child.textContent.trim()
if child.textContent[0] not in [',', '.', ':', ';', ')']
if noSpace then noSpace = false
console.log "About to add a space, text is '#{child.textContent}'"
child.textContent = ' ' + child.textContent
console.log "Added a space, now text is '#{child.textContent}'"
# nodeType of 1 means a DOM element, recurse down
else if child.nodeType is 1
addSpaces child, noSpace
input = "<foo><bar>I<baz>need</baz><qux>some</qux>spaces</bar></foo>"
node = $ input
console.log node.prop 'outerHTML'
addSpaces node
console.log node.prop 'outerHTML'
> coffee spaces.coffee
About to add a space, text is 'need'
Added a space, now text is 'need'
About to add a space, text is 'some'
Added a space, now text is 'some'
About to add a space, text is 'spaces'
Added a space, now text is 'spaces'
所以,我們可以看到該行child.textContent = ' ' + child.textContent