2012-08-26 48 views

我在電子商務網站收據頁上有一個跟蹤腳本。該腳本只是從DOM獲取產品信息並使用Piwik電子商務追蹤功能進行追蹤。這適用於除Internet Explorer 8及以下版本以外的所有瀏覽器。我一直在努力弄清楚這個劇本有什麼問題。我已經在虛擬收據頁面本地測試了它,並且它在IE中正常工作,但它並沒有跟蹤實時頁面上任何針對IE 5-8的銷售情況。Piwik跟蹤腳本在除IE8以及以下的所有瀏覽器上工作



<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    // Closure that supports jQuery 
    (function($) { 
     // Function for removing everything from a string except numbers and 
     // returning that number as an integer 
     var num = function(text) { 
      return parseInt(text.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')); 

     // Trims whitespace from before and after a string. " hello " => "hello" 
     var trim = function(text) { 
      return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 

     // Run on document ready 
     $(function() { 

      // Ready a reference to Piwik async queue 
      _paq = _paq || []; 

      // Referansenummeret 
      var order_id = num(

      // Hent verdien som ligger etter "Total:" 
      // var total = num(
      //  $('span#ctl00_CPHCnt_HandlevognProdukListe1_McInPlaceEdTotInclAVT2_McInPlaceEdTotInclAVT2') 
      //  .closest('tr').children('td:last-child').text() 
      var total = 0; 

      // Hent verdien som ligger etter "Sum:" 
      var sub_total = num(

      // Hent verdien som ligger etter "Herav mva:" 
      var mva = num(
       $('table.CartSummaryTable .TotalValue').closest('tr').next() 

      // Hent verdien som ligger etter "Frakt inkl. evt. gebyr:" 
      var shipping = num(

      // Cheat solution - the total doesn't have a 100% hitrate so just 
      // add the sub_total and shipping together. 
      total = sub_total + shipping; 

      // Iterate over the product rows and extract the information 
      $('table#ProductList tr.VerticalText').each(function(index, row) { 
       var sku = trim($('td:first-child', row).text()); 
       var prod_name = trim($('div.ProduktDesc span', row).text()); 
       var categories = []; 
       var price = num($('td:nth-child(5)', row).text()); 
       var quant = num($('td:nth-child(4)', row).text()); 

       // Extrapolate categories from the product link URL 
       var path = $('.ProduktDesc a', row).attr('href').split('/'); 
       for(var i = 2; i < path.length - 1; i++) 

       // Track this product 
       _paq.push(['addEcommerceItem', sku, prod_name, categories, price, quant]); 

      // Track this order 
      _paq.push(['trackEcommerceOrder', order_id, total, sub_total, mva, shipping, false]); 





我們想通了。事實證明,OpenTag正在將URL「//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js」轉換爲「////ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery /1.8.0/jquery.min.js「僅適用於Internet Explorer。我們通過使用JavaScript代替協議來解決它。
