2017-03-15 36 views

有人可以幫助我在Windows 10上安裝Python軟件包「Prophet」。 我嘗試安裝python 3.5和依賴pystan',但我得到下面的錯誤。有人可以幫助我在Windows 10上安裝python軟件包「Prophet」10

"The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.This package cannot be safely installed by EasyInstall, and may not support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup script by hand.Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available. Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in c:\users\suman\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-aqoiqs\fbprophet\"`



我目前在我使用Anaconda安裝的Windows 10機器上安裝了Python 3.5。

我能夠使用下面的命令安裝Prophet,這可能適合你。根據您安裝的Python的方式,您可能需要在以管理員身份打開的cmd shell中運行以下命令。

pip install prophet 

感謝您的答覆。正如你所說,我可以用'pip install prophet'進行安裝,但是在jupyter導入時模塊不會被導入。 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import Prophet ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback(最近呼叫的最後一個) () 1進口熊貓作爲PD 2進口numpy的作爲NP ----> 3進口先知 導入錯誤:沒有命名先知模塊 – Sumanth



1)下載並安裝蟒蛇3(對於Python 3.6) 2)創建一個環境,並把它稱爲什麼你喜歡 3)運行該環境(其將打開命令提示) 4)按照命令提示以下步驟:(命令以粗體顯示)

蟒-m PIP安裝-U PIP 再quirement已經起牀了最新:PIP在C:\用戶\威廉\ anaconda3 \ ENVS \原料與材料\ LIB \站點包

暢達安裝-c暢達鍛pystan 讀取行包裝的元數據.... ........... 解決包裝規格:。


一攬子計劃:\用戶\威廉\ Anaconda3 \ ENVS \原料與材料:


backports:      1.0-py36_1   conda-forge 
backports.functools_lru_cache: 1.4-py36_1   conda-forge 
ca-certificates:    2017.11.5-0   conda-forge 
cycler:      0.10.0-py36_0   conda-forge 
cython:      0.27.3-py36_0   conda-forge 
freetype:      2.7-vc14_1   conda-forge [vc14] 
icc_rt:      2017.0.4-h97af966_0 
icu:       58.2-vc14_0   conda-forge [vc14] 
intel-openmp:     2018.0.0-hd92c6cd_8 
jpeg:       9b-vc14_2    conda-forge [vc14] 
libpng:      1.6.34-vc14_0   conda-forge [vc14] 
matplotlib:     2.1.0-py36_0   conda-forge 
mkl:       2018.0.1-h2108138_4 
numpy:       1.13.3-py36ha320f96_0 
openssl:      1.0.2m-vc14_0   conda-forge [vc14] 
pyparsing:      2.2.0-py36_0   conda-forge 
pyqt:       5.6.0-py36_4   conda-forge 
pystan: conda-forge [vc14] 
python-dateutil:    2.6.1-py36_0   conda-forge 
pytz:       2017.3-py_2   conda-forge 
qt:       5.6.2-vc14_1   conda-forge [vc14] 
sip:       4.18-py36_1   conda-forge 
six:       1.11.0-py36_1   conda-forge 
tornado:      4.5.2-py36_0   conda-forge 
zlib:       1.2.11-vc14_0   conda-forge [vc14] 
