2012-04-20 179 views


import java.io.*; 
    import java.awt.*; 
    import javax.swing.*; 
    import javax.swing.event.*; 
    import javax.swing.text.*; 

    * Create a simple console to display text messages. 
    * Messages can be directed here from different sources. Each source can 
    * have its messages displayed in a different color. 
    * Messages can either be appended to the console or inserted as the first 
    * line of the console 
    * You can limit the number of lines to hold in the Document. 
    public class MessageConsole 
    private JTextComponent textComponent; 
    private Document document; 
    private boolean isAppend; 
    private DocumentListener limitLinesListener; 

    public MessageConsole(JTextComponent textComponent) 
    this(textComponent, true); 

    * Use the text component specified as a simply console to display 
      * text messages. 
    * The messages can either be appended to the end of the console or 
    * inserted as the first line of the console. 
    public MessageConsole(JTextComponent textComponent, boolean isAppend) 
    this.textComponent = textComponent; 
    this.document = textComponent.getDocument(); 
    this.isAppend = isAppend; 

    * Redirect the output from the standard output to the console 
    * using the default text color and null PrintStream 
    public void redirectOut() 
    redirectOut(null, null); 

    * Redirect the output from the standard output to the console 
    * using the specified color and PrintStream. When a PrintStream 
    * is specified the message will be added to the Document before 
    * it is also written to the PrintStream. 
    public void redirectOut(Color textColor, PrintStream printStream) 
    ConsoleOutputStream cos = new ConsoleOutputStream(textColor, printStream); 
    System.setOut(new PrintStream(cos, true)); 

    * Redirect the output from the standard error to the console 
    * using the default text color and null PrintStream 
    public void redirectErr() 
    redirectErr(null, null); 

    * Redirect the output from the standard error to the console 
     * using the specified color and PrintStream. When a PrintStream 
    * is specified the message will be added to the Document before 
    * it is also written to the PrintStream. 
    public void redirectErr(Color textColor, PrintStream printStream) 
      ConsoleOutputStream cos = new ConsoleOutputStream(textColor, printStream); 
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(cos, true)); 

    * To prevent memory from being used up you can control the number of 
    * lines to display in the console 
    * This number can be dynamically changed, but the console will only 
    * be updated the next time the Document is updated. 
    public void setMessageLines(int lines) 
    if (limitLinesListener != null) 

    limitLinesListener = new LimitLinesDocumentListener(lines, isAppend); 

    * Class to intercept output from a PrintStream and add it to a Document. 
    * The output can optionally be redirected to a different PrintStream. 
    * The text displayed in the Document can be color coded to indicate 
    * the output source. 
    class ConsoleOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream 
    private SimpleAttributeSet attributes; 
    private PrintStream printStream; 
    private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(80); 
    private boolean isFirstLine; 

    * Specify the option text color and PrintStream 
    public ConsoleOutputStream(Color textColor, PrintStream printStream) 
    if (textColor != null) 
     attributes = new SimpleAttributeSet(); 
     StyleConstants.setForeground(attributes, textColor); 

    this.printStream = printStream; 

    if (isAppend) 
     isFirstLine = true; 

    * Override this method to intercept the output text. Each line of text 
    * output will actually involve invoking this method twice: 
    * a) for the actual text message 
    * b) for the newLine string 
    * The message will be treated differently depending on whether the line 
    * will be appended or inserted into the Document 
    public void flush() 
    String message = toString(); 

    if (message.length() == 0) return; 

    if (isAppend) 


    * We don't want to have blank lines in the Document. The first line 
      * added will simply be the message. For additional lines it will be: 
    * newLine + message 
    private void handleAppend(String message) 
    if (message.endsWith("\r") 
    || message.endsWith("\n")) 
     * We don't want to merge the new message with the existing message 
     * so the line will be inserted as: 
    * message + newLine 
private void handleInsert(String message) 

    if (message.endsWith("\r") 
    || message.endsWith("\n")) 

* The message and the newLine have been added to the buffer in the 
    * appropriate order so we can now update the Document and send the 
    * text to the optional PrintStream. 
    private void clearBuffer() 
    // In case both the standard out and standard err are being redirected 
    // we need to insert a newline character for the first line only 

    if (isFirstLine && document.getLength() != 0) 
     buffer.insert(0, "\n"); 

    isFirstLine = false; 
    String line = buffer.toString(); 

    if (isAppend) 
    int offset = document.getLength(); 
    document.insertString(offset, line, attributes); 
    document.insertString(0, line, attributes); 
catch (BadLocationException ble) {} 

if (printStream != null) 





您在ide上的構建路徑中缺少類LimitLinesDocument Listener。 – r0ast3d 2012-04-20 21:43:10


該代碼中的LimitLinesDocumentListener類沒有定義,當我搜索它時沒有任何內容出現,所以我不明白爲什麼該代碼會爲其他人編譯。 – 2012-04-20 21:43:22


我認爲喬恩Skeet從谷歌pposted :-) – r0ast3d 2012-04-20 21:48:26



導入問題。你必須具有類或接口的可訪問性(我認爲類,因爲你有一個簡單的構造函數:limitLinesListener = new LimitLinesDocumentListener(lines, isAppend);)LimitLinesDocumentListener。簡單的說,這個課程並沒有被程序找到。你需要在這個文件的同一個包中,或者你需要導入那個類。


blog post描述它使人們很清楚,IMO:

Finally, you need to decide if you need to limit the number of lines contained in the console. The MessageConsole will use my LimitLinesDocumentListener described in an earlier blog entry.

你可以得到LimitLinesDocumentListenerfrom the earlier blog post
