我正在使用控制器來調用在我的某個視圖中定義的窗體。在控制器中,我有一個簡單的'create()'方法,我只是想在使用我定義的'Video'模型時調用表單。問題是當我嘗試調用這個函數時,我不斷收到'從空值創建默認對象'錯誤。Laravel PHP:從空值錯誤中創建默認對象
控制器(應用\ VideosController.php):
use Acme\repositories\VideoRepository;
use Models\Video;
use Models\Validators as Validators;
class VideosController extends BaseController {
* The video model
* @var \Models\Video
protected $video;
/* The value defined from my repository
protected $videoRepo;
* Instantiate the controller
* @param Models\Video $video
* @return void
public function __construct(VideoRepository $videoRepo)
$this->videoRepo = $videoRepo;
/* Old code below
$this->video = \App::make('Repositories\VideoRepository');
/* Create a new video by passing in a sub view
Of the form for creating a new video */
public function create()
$data = array('type' => 'video');
$this->layout->content = \View::make('forms.new-video', $data);
模型(APP /模型/ video.php):
class Video extends Eloquent {
* The table used by this model
* @var string
protected $table = 'videos';
* The primary key
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'video_id';
* The fields that are guarded cannot be mass assigned
* @var array
protected $guarded = array();
* Enabling soft deleting
* @var boolean
protected $softDelete = true;
用於我的形式的視圖位於'app \ views \ forms \ new-video.blade.php'。
這樣做的竅門!謝謝! – 2014-11-05 21:51:12