因此,我有幾個應用程序在不同的服務器上,都來自我們的網絡內部,我使用node.js和socket.io js來處理它們之間的實時通信,單獨工作正常,但是當我把應用程序2放在應用程序1的iframe中時,出現以下錯誤 「阻止了一個源地址爲」http://「的幀訪問源於」http:// intranet「 。協議,域和端口必須匹配。「 * note我在上面的url中添加了空格,因爲頁面告訴我鏈接不被允許。從iframe連接時發生socket.io錯誤
* Server js file for node
* this will handle all of the incoming requests from all the apps
* and push them to the clients
var express = require("express"),
app = express(),
http = require("http").createServer(app),
io = require("socket.io").listen(http);
_ = require("underscore");
var participants = [];
// setup the environment and tell node and express what it needs
app.set("ipaddr", "");
app.set("port", 8080);
app.set("views", __dirname + "/views");
app.set("view engine", "jade");
//further environment setup telling node and express what to use to handle requests
app.use(express.static("public", __dirname));
//setup the default page
app.get("/", function(request, response) {
//render the view page
//just post a message to the screen
response.send("Server is up and running");
//respond with a json object
// reponse.json(200, {message: "Server is up and running"});
//setup a handler for requests to /message
app.post("/message", function(request, response) {
var message = request.body.message;
if(_.isUndefined(message) || _.isEmpty(message.trin())) {
return response.json(400, {error: "Message is invalid"});
var name = request.body.name;
io.sockets.emit("incomingMessage", {message: message, name: name});
response.json(200, {message: "Message received"});
io.on("connection", function(socket) {
socket.on("newUser", function(data) {
participants.push({id: data.id, name: data.name});
io.sockets.emit("newConnection", {participants: participants, badgeNumber: data.badgeNumber, id: data.id})
socket.on("nameChange", function(data) {
_findWhere(paticipants, {id: socket.id}).name = data.name;
io.sockets.emit("nameChanged", {id: data.id, name: data.name})
socket.on("disconnect", function() {
participants = _.without(participants, _.findWhere(participants, {id: socket.id}));
io.sockets.emit("userDisconnected", {id: socket.id, sender: "system"})
socket.on("phraseCheck", function(data) {
io.sockets.emit("checkPhrase", {id: data.id, phrase: data.phrase});
socket.on('newFluxClient', function(data) {
io.sockets.emit('fluxConnection', {badgeNumber: data.badgeNumber, id: data.id});
socket.on('phraseAllowed', function(data) {
io.sockets.emit('allowedPhrase', {id: data.id, allowed: data.allowed});
socket.on('customFunction', function(data) {
io.sockets.emit('customFunction', data);
//start the app and have it listen for incoming requests
http.listen(app.get("port"), app.get("ipaddr"), function() {
console.log("Server up and running. Go to http://" + app.get("ipaddr") + ":" + app.get("port"))
申請代碼1 ....
* client js file
* this will handle connecting to node and handle the incoming messages
* as well as sending responses and messages to the server
var childSessionId = '',
sessionId = '',
socket = '',
serverBaseUrl = '',
participants = [];
function init() {
serverBaseUrl = '';
socket = io.connect(serverBaseUrl);
sessionId = '';
function updateParticipants(part) {
participants = part;
for(var i=0; i<participants.length;i++) {
$("#participants").append('<span id="' + participants[i].id + '">' + participants[i].name + ' ' + (participants[i].id === sessionId ? '(You)' : '') + '<br /></span>');
socket.on('connect', function() {
sessionId = socket.socket.sessionid;
console.log('Connected ' + sessionId);
socket.emit("newUser", {id: sessionId, name: page.user});
socket.on('userDisconnect', function(data) {
$('#' + data.id).remove();
socket.on('nameChanged', function(data) {
$('#' + data.id).html(data.name + ' ' + (data.id === sessionId ? '(You)' : '') + '<br />');
socket.on('newConnection', function(data) {
if(data.badgeNumber === page.userBadgeNumber) {
childSessionId = data.id;
socket.on('fluxConnection', function(data) {
console.log('flux connection data:');
if(data.badgeNumber === "**********") {
childSessionId = data.id;
socket.on('incomingMessage', function(data) {
$("#messages").prepend('<b>' + data.name + '</b><br />' + data.message + '<hr />');
socket.on('error', function(reason) {
console.log('Unable to connect to server', reason);
socket.on('customFunction', function(data) {
socket.on('checkPhrase', function(data) {
if(data.id === childSessionId) {
var phrases = shoppingcart.getPhrasesInCart();
var allowed = ($.inArray(data.phrase, phrases) >= 0);
socket.emit('phraseAllowed', {id: data.id, allowed: allowed});
$(document).ready(function() {
var socket = null;
var sessionId = '';
function initialize_node(){
var serverBaseUrl = '';
socket = io.connect(serverBaseUrl);
sessionId = '';
socket.on('connect', function() {
sessionId = socket.socket.sessionId;
socket.emit('newFluxClient', {id: sessionId, badgeNumber: "PDX000022", name: "matthew.hicks"});
// socket.emit('newUser', {id: sessionId, badgeNumber: user.badge, name: user.name});
socket.on('allowedPhrase', function(data) {
if(sessionId === data.id) {
alert("I'm a preddy little princess. Console logging data returned");
functions to allow or disallow the phrase
based on data.allowed
it will be true if the phrase is in the shopping cart
and false if it is not
// $('#phrase').blur(function() {
// checkPhrase();
// })
function checkPhrase() {
//var phrase = $('#phrase').val();
var phrase = "Shindigs in Ptown";
socket.emit('phraseCheck', {id: sessionId, phrase: phrase});
$(document).ready(function() {
沒有做不到的,應用2必須是一個特定的服務器和資訊技術的部門不想從該服務器運行節點,他們希望它在單獨的服務器上以防萬一。所以基本上所有3個應用程序必須位於不同的服務器上。我是在假設使用node和socket.io你不會遇到同樣的政策來源問題,因爲他們的目的是允許基於推送的通知在所有的應用程序,無論服務器 – Rob
我編輯我的答案。你可能會遇到這種情況,因爲你在一個iframe中封裝了socket.io – raam86