試圖爲IE 7用戶找到解決辦法。基本上在我的客戶端JavaScript應用程序中,以下代碼向運行node.js的服務器發出httprequest如果客戶端使用IE8,我會獲得成功的連接,但在IE7中卻不成功。思考?HTTPRequest到節點服務器工作在IE 8但不是IE 7
var myxmlhttp;
function doRequest() {
var url = "http://someserver:8000/" + username;
myxmlhttp = CreateXmlHttpReq(resultHandler);
if (myxmlhttp) {
XmlHttpGET(myxmlhttp, url);
} else {
alert("An error occured while attempting to process your request.");
// provide an alternative here that does not use XMLHttpRequest
function resultHandler() {
// request is 'ready'
if (myxmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
// success
if (myxmlhttp.status == 200) {
// myxmlhttp.responseText is the content that was received
} else {
alert("There was a problem retrieving the data:\n" + req.status.text);
function CreateXmlHttpReq(handler) {
var xmlhttp = null;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
// users with activeX off
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {}
if (xmlhttp) xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = handler;
return xmlhttp;
// XMLHttp send GEt request
function XmlHttpGET(xmlhttp, url) {
try {
xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
} catch (e) {}
在IE7從我可以告訴的,這個問題似乎是在xmlhttp.open(「GET」 ,url,true);我不確定接下來要做什麼 – DaBears