我有以下代碼,它正在被SEGV信號殺死。使用調試器顯示它正在被main()中的第一個sem_init()所殺死。如果我註釋掉第一個sem_init(),第二個會導致同樣的問題。我試圖找出什麼會導致這個系統調用導致一個SEGV。 else沒有運行,所以錯誤發生在它可以返回值之前。 任何幫助將不勝感激, 謝謝。sem_init()導致SEGV
#define PORTNUM 7000
#define NUM_OF_THREADS 5
#define oops(msg) { perror(msg); exit(1);}
#define FCFS 0
#define SJF 1;
void bindAndListen();
void acceptConnection(int socket_file_descriptor);
void* dispatchJobs(void*);
void* replyToClient(void* pos);
//holds ids of worker threads
pthread_t threads[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//mutex variable for sleep_signal_cond
pthread_mutex_t sleep_signal_mutex[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//holds the condition variables to signal when the thread should be unblocked
pthread_cond_t sleep_signal_cond[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//mutex for accessing sleeping_thread_list
pthread_mutex_t sleeping_threads_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
//list of which threads are sleeping so they can be signaled and given a job
std::vector<bool> *sleeping_threads_list = new std::vector<bool>();
//number of threads ready for jobs
sem_t* available_threads;
sem_t* waiting_jobs;
//holds requests waiting to be given to one of the threads for execution
std::vector<std::vector<int> >* jobs = new std::vector<std::vector<int> >();
pthread_mutex_t jobs_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
//holds id for thread responsible for removing jobs from ready queue and assigning them to worker thread
pthread_t dispatcher_thread;
//initializes semaphores
if(sem_init(available_threads, 0, NUM_OF_THREADS) != 0){ //this is the line causing the SEGV
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
if(sem_init(waiting_jobs, 0, 0) !=0){
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
//initializes condition variables and guarding mutexes
for(int i=0; i<NUM_OF_THREADS; i++){
pthread_cond_init(&sleep_signal_cond[i], NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&sleep_signal_mutex[i], NULL);
if(pthread_create(&dispatcher_thread, NULL, dispatchJobs, (void*)NULL) !=0){
oops("Error Creating Distributer Thread");
你錯過了一些'}',你的縮進很差。 –
任何缺少}'是因爲我沒有發佈我的整個代碼。任何超出錯誤點的代碼我都覺得沒有必要發佈,這會讓這個頁面變得不必要的長。我可憐的縮進是將我的代碼粘貼到窗口中。我的格式很多都丟失了。它在我的文件中正確縮進。 – jln646v
你在這裏是因爲在編寫你的代碼時,你犯了一個錯誤。發佈問題時,您隨即刪除了代碼。我們如何知道哪些錯誤是真實的,哪些是在粘貼過程中完成的?創建一個完整的,最小化的測試用例,它只展示你所問的問題,並且在發佈之前測試這種情況。 –