hash("sha256", $salt . $password, true);
* Validates a password sent by an end user by comparing it to the
* hashed password stored in the database. Uses the Node.js crypto library.
* @param password The password sent by the end user.
* @param dbPassword The hashed password stored in the database.
* @param dbSalt The encryption salt stored in the database.
function validatePassword(password, dbPassword, dbSalt) {
// Should the dbSalt be a Buffer, hex, base64, or what?
var hmac = crypto.createHmac("SHA256", dbSalt);
var hashed = hmac.update(password).digest('base64');
console.log("Hashed user password: " + hashed);
console.log("Database password: " + dbPassword.toString('base64'));
return hashed === dbPassword;
請**不要**使用SHA哈希來存儲密碼。你應該使用專門爲密碼設計的東西,如[bcrypt](http://codetheory.in/using-the-node-js-bcrypt-module-to-hash-and-safely-store-passwords/)。每秒可燒錄數十億SHA256編碼密碼。鹽分幫助,但比你想象的要少很多。如果您正在使用現有的PHP應用程序,您會遇到困難,但即使PHP支持bcrypt。 – tadman
這不是我的選擇,現在改變它爲時已晚。 PHP已經由其他人撰寫並且非常龐大。 – afollestad