2012-08-22 59 views

我正在嘗試將我的導航置於純CSS頁面中。 我要爲'一切爲中心'的樣子。center upper div

目前,我有3格並排。這是最好的路線嗎? 或者我應該使用1格並嘗試居中?

我該如何做到這一點? 幫助將不勝感激!


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      <!-- <h3>To see the mobile navigation, narrow your browser window or check with a mobile device.</h3> 
     <p>Unholy is a new, upcoming raiding guild with goals of 
successfully accomplishing Player versus Environment and Player versus Player 
raiding content. If thou art seeking such guild then thou would consider joining 
us on our quest to victory over the evils that lurk within the depths of 
Karazhan and Zul'Aman. All are welcome that have experienced the foul beasts 
that roam abroad the forsaken ground in the Outlands and whish to further 
explore and cleanse such places. If this should be thy calling then we welcome 
you to our quest for victory, For the Horde </p> --> 


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這肯定有助於集中它,但有一個問題。當我重新調整瀏覽器的大小時,所有內容都會正確移動/重新調整大小,但導航保持不變。當瀏覽器重新調整大小時,我希望中間的所有內容一起移動。 –



html 5元素來做到這一點。 –