2017/10/09 18:46:51.957709974 Quitting from lines 28-38 (wiss-arbeiten.Rmd) 2017/10/09 18:46:51.957825693 Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'BiocInstaller' 2017/10/09 18:46:51.957885047 Calls: local ... try_bioc -> suppressMessages -> withCallingHandlers 2017/10/09 18:46:51.958782481 2017/10/09 18:46:51.960108826 Execution halted
2017/10/09 21:52:18.435444168 output file: test-bookdown.knit.md
2017/10/09 21:52:18.435449884
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249176890 Latexmk: -latexoption=-halt-on-error bad option
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249238308 Latexmk: -interaction=batchmode bad option
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249408997
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249413953 Latexmk: Bad options specified
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249436980 Use
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249439476 latexmk -help
2017/10/09 21:52:19.249455810 to get usage information
GET /__api__/tasks/eHORYjLKgZlV4pom?first_status=137 524ms
2017/10/09 21:52:19.644109397
2017/10/09 21:52:19.644123280 Latexmk, John Collins, 7 May 2011. Version 4.24
2017/10/09 21:52:19.647906139 Error: Failed to compile test-bookdown.tex.
2017/10/09 21:52:19.647978929 In addition: Warning message:
2017/10/09 21:52:19.648059206 Your latexmk version seems to be too low. You may need to update the latexmk package or your LaTeX distribution.
2017/10/09 21:52:19.658900711 Please delete test-bookdown.Rmd after you finish debugging the error.
2017/10/09 21:52:19.658977638 Execution halted
,但在我看來,我的乳膠版本都ok: pdfTeX的3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18(TeX Live中2017)和Latexmk, John Collins,2017年1月19日。版本4.52c
我正在使用RStudio版本1.1.383和R版本3.4.2(2017-09-28) - 「短夏」,平臺:x86_64-apple-darwin15 .6.0(64位)和bookdown 0.5.4