2017-02-20 47 views



validColors = ("R", "G", "B", "Y", "O", "P") 

secretCode = "YBGG" 
guess = "BYYG" 

def correctColorCount(secretCode, guess, validColors): 

    count = 0 

    numRedGuess = guess.count("R") 
    numRedCode = secretCode.count("R") 
    sumR = numRedGuess + numRedCode 

    numGreenGuess = guess.count("G") 
    numGreenCode = secretCode.count("G") 
    sumG = numGreenGuess + numGreenCode 

    numBlueGuess = guess.count("B") 
    numBlueCode = secretCode.count("B") 
    sumB = numBlueGuess + numBlueCode 

    numYellowGuess = guess.count("Y") 
    numYellowCode = secretCode.count("Y") 
    sumY = numYellowGuess + numBlueCode 

    numOrangeGuess = guess.count("O") 
    numOrangeCode = secretCode.count("O") 
    sumO = numOrangeGuess + numOrangeCode 

    numPurpleGuess = guess.count("P") 
    numPurpleCode = secretCode.count("P") 
    sumP = numPurpleGuess + numPurpleCode 

    if numRedCode == numRedGuess and sumR != 0 and sumR != 1: 
     count += 1 
     if numRedGuess == 2: 
      count += 1 
     elif numRedGuess == 3: 
      count += 2 
     elif numRedGuess == 4: 
      count += 3 
    elif numRedGuess >= 1 and numRedCode >= 1 and sumR != 0 and sumR != 1: 
     count += 1 
    if numGreenCode == numGreenGuess and sumG != 0 and sumG != 1: 
     count += 1 
     if numGreenGuess == 2: 
      count += 1 
     elif numGreenGuess == 3: 
      count += 2 
     elif numGreenGuess == 4: 
      count += 3 
    elif numGreenGuess >= 1 and numGreenCode >= 1 and sumG != 0 and sumG != 1: 
     count += 1 
    if numBlueCode == numBlueGuess and sumB != 0 and sumB != 1: 
     count += 1 
     if numBlueGuess == 2: 
      count += 1 
     elif numBlueGuess == 3: 
      count += 2 
     elif numBlueGuess == 4: 
      count += 3 
    elif numBlueGuess >= 1 and numBlueCode >= 1 and sumB != 0 and sumB != 1: 
     count += 1 
    if numYellowCode == numYellowGuess and sumY != 0 and sumY != 1: 
     count += 1 
     if numYellowGuess == 2: 
      count += 1 
     elif numYellowGuess == 3: 
      count += 2 
     elif numYellowGuess == 4: 
      count += 3 
    elif numYellowGuess >= 1 and numYellowCode >= 1 and sumY != 0 and sumY != 1: 
     count += 1 
    if numOrangeCode == numOrangeGuess and sumO != 0 and sumO != 1: 
     count += 1 
     if numOrangeGuess == 2: 
      count += 1 
     elif numOrangeGuess == 3: 
      count += 2 
     elif numOrangeGuess == 4: 
      count += 3 
    elif numOrangeGuess >= 1 and numOrangeCode >= 1 and sumO != 0 and sumO != 1: 
     count += 1 
    if numPurpleCode == numPurpleGuess and sumP != 0 and sumP != 1: 
     count += 1 
     if numPurpleGuess == 2: 
      count += 1 
     elif numPurpleGuess == 3: 
      count += 2 
     elif numPurpleGuess == 4: 
      count += 3 
    elif numPurpleGuess >= 1 and numPurpleCode >= 1 and sumP != 0 and sumP != 1: 
     count += 1 

    return count 

這是對[策劃](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_(board_game))? – TigerhawkT3


這是!如果我包括我的其他程序,會有幫助嗎? –


因爲Mastermind是關於計數元素的,所以試一下['collections.Counter'](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#collections.Counter),我在[This Let's Code Python: Mastermind視頻](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv47MO1vQAo)(25行)。 – TigerhawkT3




from collections import Counter 

def correct_color_count(secret, guess): 
    correct = Counter(secret) & Counter(guess) 
    return sum(correct.values()) 

correct_color_count(secret="YBGG", guess="BYYG") 
>>> 3 




def countColors(word, colors): 
    return (word.count(color) for color in colors) 

def correctColorCount(secretCode, guess, colors): 
    for index, (guessedColor, correctColor) in enumerate(zip(*map(lambda word: 
     countColors(word, colors), (secretCode, guess)))): 
     color = colors[index] 
     if guessedColor == correctColor: 
      print("You guessed", color, "correctly!") 
      print("You guessed", color, "incorrectly. You guessed", guessedColor, "but it was", str(correctColor) + ".") 

>>> validColors = ("R", "G", "B", "Y", "O", "P") 
>>> secretCode = "YBGG" 
>>> guess = "BYYG" 
>>> correctColorCount(secretCode, guess, validColors) 
You guessed R correctly! 
You guessed G incorrectly. You guessed 2 but it was 1. 
You guessed B correctly! 
You guessed Y incorrectly. You guessed 1 but it was 2. 
You guessed O correctly! 
You guessed P correctly! 



map(lambda word: countColors(word, colors), (secretCode, guess))


[countColors(secretCode, colors), countColors(guess, colors)]


這將需要他們對:每個第一位的,然後是第二等,所以,這基本上將創建一個列表,每種顏色: [actualNumberOfTimes, guessedNumberOfTimes]




def correctColorCount(secretCode, guess): 
    guess_list = list(guess) 
    return len(guess) - sum(1 for color in secretCode 
          if color not in guess_list or guess_list.remove(color)) 




def correctColorCount(secretCode, guess, validColors): 
    count = 0 
    # for all the color characters 
    for color in validColors: 
     # if color count is not zero and same for both strings 
     if secretCode.count(color) == guess.count(color) != 0: 
      count += 1 
    return count