2014-09-10 26 views

在Android,的valgrind運行3.9.0與--vgdb=yes創建一個FIFO管應該聽vgdb命令(與另一管的相反方向和一塊共享存儲器的一起)。但是,諸如vgdb instrumentation on之類的命令只是永遠掛起。的valgrind Android上不聽vgdb

  • 這是採用Android 4.0.3(正報上README.android工作)的ARMv7的仿真測試,並在的Galaxy Note II採用Android 4.3.1基於CyanogenMod的
  • Valgrind是建有export HWKIND=generic--with-tmpdir=/data/local/Inst;所有其他選項都是根據README.android文件
  • 這兩款器件都植根並運行不安全adbd的
  • 兩個Valgrind的建立進行了測試,其中一個NDK-R6建成一個與NDK-r9d。其結果是在所有的配置
  • 這兩種設備都能夠Valgrind的運行相同但既不運行聽vgdb


# ./valgrind -v -v -v --vgdb=yes sleep 1000 
==3640== Memcheck, a memory error detector 
==3640== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. 
==3640== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info 
==3640== Command: sleep 1000 
--3640-- Valgrind options: 
--3640-- -v 
--3640-- -v 
--3640-- -v 
--3640-- --vgdb=yes 
--3640-- Contents of /proc/version: 
--3640-- Linux version 2.6.29-g46b05b2 ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC)) #28 Thu Nov 17 06:39:36 PST 2011 
--3640-- Arch and hwcaps: ARM, ARMv7-vfp-neon 
--3640-- Page sizes: currently 4096, max supported 4096 
--3640-- Valgrind library directory: /data/local/Inst/lib/valgrind 
--3640-- TT/TC: VG_(init_tt_tc) (startup of code management) 
--3640-- TT/TC: cache: 6 sectors of 27597024 bytes each = 165582144 total 
--3640-- TT/TC: table: 6 tables of 11531696 bytes each = 69190176 total 
--3640-- TT/TC: table: 65521 entries each = 393126 total entries max occupancy 255528 (65%) 
--3640-- Reading syms from /system/xbin/busybox 
--3640-- svma 0x0000008120, avma 0x0000008120 
--3640-- object doesn't have a symbol table 
--3640-- object doesn't have a dynamic symbol table 
--3640-- Reading syms from /data/local/Inst/lib/valgrind/memcheck-arm-linux 
--3640-- svma 0x0038000000, avma 0x0038000000 
--3640-- object doesn't have a dynamic symbol table 
--3640-- Scheduler: using generic scheduler lock implementation. 
--3640-- Reading suppressions file: /data/local/Inst/lib/valgrind/default.supp 
==3640== embedded gdbserver: reading from /data/local/Inst/vgdb-pipe-from-vgdb-to-3640-by-???-on-??? 
==3640== embedded gdbserver: writing to /data/local/Inst/vgdb-pipe-to-vgdb-from-3640-by-???-on-??? 
==3640== embedded gdbserver: shared mem /data/local/Inst/vgdb-pipe-shared-mem-vgdb-3640-by-???-on-??? 
==3640== TO CONTROL THIS PROCESS USING vgdb (which you probably 
==3640== don't want to do, unless you know exactly what you're doing, 
==3640== or are doing some strange experiment): 
==3640== /data/local/Inst/lib/valgrind/../../bin/vgdb --pid=3640 ...command... 
==3640== TO DEBUG THIS PROCESS USING GDB: start GDB like this 
==3640== /path/to/gdb sleep 
==3640== and then give GDB the following command 
==3640== target remote | /data/local/Inst/lib/valgrind/../../bin/vgdb --pid=3640 
==3640== --pid is optional if only one valgrind process is running 
--3640-- TT/TC: initialise sector 0 


# ./vgdb instrumentation on 
^Csyscall failed: Interrupted system call 
error opening /data/local/Inst/vgdb-pipe-to-vgdb-from-3640-by-???-on-??? read cmd result from pid 


  • 在真實設備上,HOSTNAME和USER不是?但實際上是t0lteroot正確。這可能與這個問題無關。

  • 我敢肯定,FIFO管道在上述/data/local/Inst目錄工作,因爲以下工作:

在一個root shell裏面/data/local/Inst

# mkfifo examplepipe 
# echo message > examplepipe 
... command exits after the pipe is read in another shell ... 


# cat examplepipe 
  • 我也相信vgdb是找到Valgrind的實例,因爲它不報告FIFO not found錯誤。

  • 我在這一點上vgdb原因掛起猜測是Valgrind的不聽管的某些原因。本身

  • Valgrind的操作如預期運行。 Callgrind輸出產生等。但由於vgdb不起作用,儀器啓動/停止,因此按需分析是不可能的。

